23-10-2014, 12:01 PM
I'm just going through the MM contracts, and I'm not sure what to put down in a few of the spaces.
How many days notice do you require for them to inform you of holiday they wish to take?
How many days notice do you give them if you are going to take holiday?
How many days notice do you give them if you are going to terminate the contract due to behavior issues (I thought I read somewhere that this can be a reason for immediate termination)?
And lastly, what % of outstanding debt is reasonable to add on as a penalty for late payment of fees? I have already done my fees policy which I had stated a flat sum of £10 per day for 5 days, but MM contracts require you to write a %age so I'm not sure what is the norm?
Thank you once again for any advice or help, I really appreciate it!
23-10-2014, 01:22 PM
I charge when the child is on holiday, so I don't need any notice of holiday time. They can go when they want, but they still pay. I think that applies more to contracts where the cm doesn't charge for the child's holiday, or charges half.
In my holiday policy I have it written that if a parent books holiday, but changes their mind with less than 4 weeks to go, I am under no obligation to accept the child for care, but I will still charge. That covers for time when a parent says they will be off for a week, you make other plans, then they turn round at the last minute and say the child will be coming after all.
If I am taking holiday or any odd days off I tell them I will try to give at least 4 weeks notice, although for the occasional day it is not always possible and as much notice as possible will be given.
My contracts state that I can give immediate notice for behavioural problems, or parents' unreasonable behaviour.
My late payment fee is set at £5 per day, not a percentage. If you don't want to put it as a percentage, just cross that bit out on the contract and put what you want.
As long as it is clear on both your contract and the parents' copy, you can change bits that don't apply to you.
23-10-2014, 06:32 PM
I'm just going through the MM contracts, and I'm not sure what to put down in a few of the spaces.
How many days notice do you require for them to inform you of holiday they wish to take? Parents still pay if child doesn't attend, but I ask for 24 hours notice purely for planning reasons. As Mouse says think that's more for parents that are charged a lower/no fee for their holidays
How many days notice do you give them if you are going to take holiday? 28 days but actually give my holiday dates out in January each year
How many days notice do you give them if you are going to terminate the contract due to behavior issues (I thought I read somewhere that this can be a reason for immediate termination)? I put '0' here, I then show and explain my policy for immediate termination which includes parents as well as children
And lastly, what % of outstanding debt is reasonable to add on as a penalty for late payment of fees? I have already done my fees policy which I had stated a flat sum of £10 per day for 5 days, but MM contracts require you to write a %age so I'm not sure what is the norm?I cross this out and put my fee per day
Thank you once again for any advice or help, I really appreciate it!
Hope that helps
24-10-2014, 07:23 PM
Thanks, you've both given me the answers I was hoping to hear!
25-10-2014, 08:55 AM
I'm just going through the MM contracts, and I'm not sure what to put down in a few of the spaces.
How many days notice do you require for them to inform you of holiday they wish to take?
How many days notice do you give them if you are going to take holiday?
How many days notice do you give them if you are going to terminate the contract due to behavior issues (I thought I read somewhere that this can be a reason for immediate termination)?
And lastly, what % of outstanding debt is reasonable to add on as a penalty for late payment of fees? I have already done my fees policy which I had stated a flat sum of £10 per day for 5 days, but MM contracts require you to write a %age so I'm not sure what is the norm?
Thank you once again for any advice or help, I really appreciate it!
I have not seen a MM contract but it sounds like many issues are unclear for you
Maybe you could contact them and clarify...MM may not be prescriptive on what is on your contract so you may want to add your own Terms and Conditions as we all vary when it comes to holidays payment
Immediate notice is possible in certain circumstances but it should say 'fees in lieu of notice'...check with them as they are the ones covering you and also make sure you take a deposit to cover any eventuality
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