18-09-2013, 03:43 PM
Early hours of Sunday morning we had a call to say that my BIL had had a massive heart attack:eeeek:-
this is a 42 yr old who cycles to work each day and swims lengths for an hour every Friday,not at all overweight and watches his diet.

The doctors said it was due to his smoking causing his valve to be blocked-thankfully his prognosis is good though!

I smoke a similar amount to him (4-8 a day and ONLY in the evenings) and the fear has set in!!!:panic: My DH and kids have begged me to stop too.

I have been prescribed Champix tablets to help me quit and was wondering if anyone else has had any success with them?

18-09-2013, 03:48 PM
I just lost my mum this weekend to lung cancer - so do it for your kids - don't put them through what I am going through right now x

18-09-2013, 03:49 PM
Not heard of Champix so no advice there but wanted to say good luck!:cheerleader:
I've been smoke free for almost a year and it was the best thing I ever did, I only smoked 4 a day and they were out of habit (after tea, when last child had left, after a glass of wine etc) and I don't miss it at all now
Hope it goes well for you, and your bil is ok xxx

18-09-2013, 03:53 PM
Hey migimoo

Well done for going for it and hope your bil gets better soon!!

I stopped with champix and have now stopped since a year past feb so about a year and a half now!! In my area you have to go to meetings to get the prescriptions which I was really not keen on but it really helped as I didn't want to walk in saying I had gave in!! I have smoked about 15 a day since I was 14 so really needed to stop and is the best thing I ever done! Hubby stopped at same time as me with patches but unfort he only lasted 3 weeks. Really enjoy my food now - didn't realise how little I could taste all these years and also more money to spare now!!

Wasn't easy but at the same time was no-where near as hard as I thought it would be!! I didn't finish the course - think I missed the last 2/3 weeks as tablets made me feel a bit yucky once I was on the higher dose but was totally fine stopping early!! Is much easier once the first few weeks is done.

I am here if you need any support or someone to have a moan at just send me a message anytime!


18-09-2013, 03:53 PM
I just lost my mum this weekend to lung cancer - so do it for your kids - don't put them through what I am going through right now x

So sorry to hear this - my kids have been so pleased I have stopped xx

18-09-2013, 08:43 PM
Thanks for all of your messages....my 10yr old son has been crying at school worrying about me since BIL's heart attack according to his teacher so that is definitely a huge reason to quit.:(

Both of my kids are a huge mummy's boy/girl and not really that close with their dad so I can't imagine what it would put them through if the worst happened...cs01 thank you for reminding me of that and I'm so sorry for what you are having to cope with right now.

Doc gave me the pills and i'm on day 2 now but my first cessation meeting is on Friday...people I know who've used the pills say don't set a date to quit-apparently one day I will just gag when I light up and not be able to face it so fingers crossed they'll work for me.Like Kellyzkids mine are all at set times-when kids leave,after tea,after kids in bed,before bedtime,when having a drink.

My only worry is I'm also doing Slimming World so I hope one doesn't jeopardise the other iykwim?

18-09-2013, 08:52 PM
I smoked from aged 14 till I was 20 having 10 a day. Then work threatened to ban smoking so I thought I would try to stop as had they baned it the rebel in me would of woke.

I bought an audio book called Allen Carr the easy was. It was the most horrifically boring thing I ever listened to and I told myself that if I ever smoked again i would have to listen to it all over again.

It worked and has been 4 years now.

I don't miss it. I don't even think about it.

After I gave up all my family did its lovely. Clothes don't smell ceilings stay white. Best if all no morning cough.

You will be so glad you've done it. Good luck.

19-09-2013, 06:48 AM
I also used the Allen Carr book!.. And was given champix.

I read the book, it was almost hypnotising and definitely trained my thoughts. They gave me champix and said that I was to smoke while taking them.. A possible side affect of this is nausea and vomiting. I have a major sickness phobia so this wasn't an option. However, I took the champix and just stopped smoking as the thought of being sick was enough.

I have been smoke free 2 years July just gone!! Love it. I had smoked from 12 years till 33 years and not looked back since

Good luck xx

19-09-2013, 08:29 AM
I gave up smoking over 10 years ago after smoking for about 16 years and I just stopped. I had to change my habits and routine as I too smoked at certain times and so had to keep myself busy at all times, couldn't drink for a few months as that was another trigger for me. I kept a packet of cigs in the drawer so I never had the panic feeling of having run out and I was just very determind. Also I heard on the radio that if you had any type of smokers cough then you had already damaged your lungs through smoking so as I had a cough at the time it scared me......best thing i ever did, I still fancy one every now and again......but never would...good luck xxx sorry to hear about your BIL x

19-09-2013, 10:33 AM
I smoked 20 a day for 10 years and had tried to quit but never got further than 2 days without caving. I bought one of the e-cigs and without I would never of succeeded. They have a slight bit of nicotine in them so you get what you are craving and you've still got the action of having a cigarette. I didn't put any pressure on my self and after a week of using them when out with friends I lit a cigarette and was nearly sick, it was the most disgusting taste and smell not touched one since and that was nearly 10 months ago. I still occasionally use the e-cig.
I know many people that have had success on champix so good luck and keep at it but if you do struggle I would highly recommend E-cigs x

27-09-2013, 08:12 AM
I'm halfway through my second week of tablets and yesterday all I had was 3 drags on a ciggie before binning it:clapping:

I definitely feel sick though and my tummy isn't too good....ah well,that'll help with my weight loss too!

27-09-2013, 08:00 PM
Good luck Migimoo, and I hope your BIL will make a speedy recovery x

27-09-2013, 09:43 PM
I'm halfway through my second week of tablets and yesterday all I had was 3 drags on a ciggie before binning it:clapping: I definitely feel sick though and my tummy isn't too good....ah well,that'll help with my weight loss too! it is a yucky feeling from those tabs but at least they work!! A few weeks in a also starting getting dreams - not scary dreams but really strange vivid dreams!! Also after stopping I regularly woke up in a panic thinking I had been smoking as dreamt I had!! Xx

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