30-08-2013, 07:22 PM
Ok slightly disbeliving and quite frankly a tad panicked but have been accepted onto an EYT course at Northampton from September. At the interview session last week the course leader said that they were still getting to grips with what the new standards laid down meant for us as practitioners esp. the link to KS1 etc.
Any suggestions for reading lists etc to get me started as am busy but the sooner I start the better it will be - I hope!
Sam x
30-08-2013, 07:42 PM
Snap :clapping: Scared!!!
30-08-2013, 07:47 PM
Snap :clapping: Scared!!!
Perhaps we should form a mini support group!
Sam x
The Juggler
30-08-2013, 08:19 PM
ooh good luck girls. sure they will give you the reading list soon. if EYT is like EYPS then it won't be so much academic writing more evidencing what you do/will do so I'd hold off spending too much on books.
I'm just starting my PGCE and scared stiff!!!!!!!
30-08-2013, 08:23 PM
ooh good luck girls. sure they will give you the reading list soon. if EYT is like EYPS then it won't be so much academic writing more evidencing what you do/will do so I'd hold off spending too much on books.
I'm just starting my PGCE and scared stiff!!!!!!!
Good luck juggler x
The Juggler
30-08-2013, 08:25 PM
Good luck juggler x
thank you! x
30-08-2013, 10:20 PM
Perhaps we should form a mini support group!
Sam x
:) Good idea! Are you going to go to the Grantham sessions? I was slightly surprised that they have said I will need more time with the 0-2 age group, that is pretty much all I have at the moment!!! Haven't quite worked out how I am going to juggle that one!
30-08-2013, 10:26 PM
:) Good idea! Are you going to go to the Grantham sessions? I was slightly surprised that they have said I will need more time with the 0-2 age group, that is pretty much all I have at the moment!!! Haven't quite worked out how I am going to juggle that one!
Yes going to the Grantham one, perhaps they have got it round their necks and once you chat it through will see sense. Where are you based?
Sam x
31-08-2013, 03:21 PM
Whooooo congratulations guys! :clapping:
31-08-2013, 04:56 PM
Thank you x
31-08-2013, 09:01 PM
Thanks Sarah!
Live just outside of Northampton in Earls Barton. I'm hoping they will, if not it will have to be odd hours here and there and just squeeze them in somehow!
01-09-2013, 04:11 PM
CONGRATULATIONS!!! how exciting!
I expect you may get some reading lists once you start but my uni didn't give us any. I did mine along side 3rd year BA students on childhood studies degree.
My advice would be to look at the new standards and really familiarise yourself with everything. There will be loads of things you will feel really confident about and other things you may think hmm not so sure how I will demonstrate that!
So when I did it there was sustained shared thinking - think about how could you demonstrate it in a task or an observed activity? (I brought a book so that I really knew what I was talking about and gave me lots of ideas to demonstrate it sufficiently)
Also EYFS and other relevant documents and legislation such as SEN and Every Child Matters - I was not familiar with any of this so reading up and getting to grips with it all. I can't remember the new standards off the top of my head and they are quite different from the old ones.
Really excited for you - I have some training days coming up including a day on the new standards so if there are any questions that I can help with in anyway - just ask!
09-09-2013, 09:08 PM
I've just been accepted too! I'll be doing mine in the south west with Best Practice, a mini support group would be great.
Good luck to everyone starting this month
Helly Belly
10-09-2013, 10:01 AM
I've just been accepted too! I'll be doing mine in the south west with Best Practice, a mini support group would be great.
Good luck to everyone starting this month
Hi Im doing it also at Derby Uni and had induction yesterday (Monday) we were given a sheet to get filled in ASAP to start thinking of evidence we have got/ can get to show we meet each standard, cross referencing can be done as each piece of evidence may prove we meet more than one standard also we can go back to last 3 yrs for evidence , I got excited and would love support group , speak soon H x
10-09-2013, 06:31 PM
great idea to start getting your portfolio together. you can really pull together what you've got and what you therefore need to evidence strongly from your other evidence sources.
I'm excited for you!
21-09-2013, 01:03 PM
I have started the EYITT course for EYT at the eastern leadership centre. I am on the Graduate entry pathway since childminding has not worked out for me. i have had very few early years kids and not for very long (2 hours a week, 1 hour a day for 6 weeks) or 1 week for 2 children which abruptly finished when mum lost her job!
I am attending a study week this week at the Pen Green centre in Corby. then its trying to find suitable placements which i have nothing set up yet despite trying :(
if anyone wants me to I can try and give an overview of what happens on my study week. anyone else doing the GEP or doing theirs through eastern leadership centre??
21-09-2013, 08:48 PM
I have started the EYITT course for EYT at the eastern leadership centre. I am on the Graduate entry pathway since childminding has not worked out for me. i have had very few early years kids and not for very long (2 hours a week, 1 hour a day for 6 weeks) or 1 week for 2 children which abruptly finished when mum lost her job!
I am attending a study week this week at the Pen Green centre in Corby. then its trying to find suitable placements which i have nothing set up yet despite trying :(
if anyone wants me to I can try and give an overview of what happens on my study week. anyone else doing the GEP or doing theirs through eastern leadership centre??
Hi I'm doing the EYITT through ELC too but I'm on the UPP route as need to top up my foundation degree at the same time. The only bit I am worried about is providing evidence of leadership as I dont have any assistants and tend to sit back in our childminding group get togethers.
Helly Belly
21-09-2013, 09:12 PM
Hi I'm doing the EYITT through ELC too but I'm on the UPP route as need to top up my foundation degree at the same time. The only bit I am worried about is providing evidence of leadership as I dont have any assistants and tend to sit back in our childminding group get togethers.
Hi you could share and lead practise of others on your course and visit their settings and use them to give a witness statement , share your policies / procedures etc I will be :)
21-09-2013, 09:54 PM
Good to hear of all of you embarking on EYTS I completed EYPS with Best Practice Network in May. You'll get reading lint soon but don't worry too much it's mainly gathering evidence, witness statements etc. I'm considering assessing for Best Practice Network.
Can't believe I signed up for Masters in early childhood studies a few days ago, moment of madness!
22-09-2013, 08:18 AM
How exciting - Congratulations!
You'll get lots of advice and support for how to show leadership and it will be great! something as simple as sharing information with other practitioners, modeling effective practice to others on a joint activity that you have organised.
Good Luck with your placement - I am sure you will find something. Will the Easter Leadership Centre arrange settings for you to do your placements at?
Smiley - where are you doing your Masters in early childhood studies? I am doing some post-graduate credits but if i go on to get a post graduate certificate it will be in 'professional development' (!?)
22-09-2013, 11:08 AM
I considered starting Masters with OU about 3 years ago but didn't get around to it cost was a bit of an issue.
When I did the GPP route to EYPS this year, my tutor said she was going to offer the Masters for the first time in September. It's distance learning with 5 study weekends, first year is 60 points and will be a post graduate certificate, year 2 EYPS can be used to APEL across for 60 points then following year is dissertation and Masters
22-09-2013, 04:23 PM
year 2 EYPS can be used to APEL across for 60 points
sorry I'm probably being really daft here but what does that mean?
Great news that you are getting the opportunity to do your Masters! I think I will continue to get post-grad credits until I get the PG certificate and then stop there! My uni seem to be having difficulty actually enrolling me and keeping me informed of whats going on so I'll have to wait and see!
22-09-2013, 07:07 PM
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning
Therefore previous learning doesn't have to be repeated and it takes less time to complete a course of study and of course saves money :)
Bluelion, how long will it take you to get PG certificate? Do you have to attend Uni weekly?
Helly Belly
23-09-2013, 10:53 AM
Wondering if anyone can help I'm having trouble with a few of the standards so far it's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 just kidding ! Oh heck what have I done, sometimes I'm buzzing on high and other times feeling a bit sick about it all just wanted to share x
25-09-2013, 01:34 PM
I'm self-studying an extended essay to get 30 credits at post-graduate level - this I was allowed to do as part of my EYP but I have to pay for marking. I have 6 months to do this although have been told this can be quite flexible. I have about 2 hours of appointment time / guidance from a tutor but its all self-study.
If I then go on to do the other 30 credits to get the post-graduate certificate I am assuming it will be similar?
I'm getting frustrated at the moment though because no-one is getting back to me to tell me if I'm actually registered! AT first I was told I had to be registered before my assessment in June to be eligible for getting it funded and then i was told this wasn't the case but I still haven't heard anything despite e-mailing them yet again a week or so ago!!
Need to phone them and speak to someone really but i always end up getting passed round the houses and then made to feel unreasonable for chasing it.
I've just e-mailed the tutor again - think she probably doesn't reply to me just forwards on to whoever is supposed to be dealing with it!!
27-10-2013, 11:22 AM
smiley - its all changed - I've just had it confirmed that this is what I'm doing and have until June to complete a 10,000 word extended essay and this will give me the 60 credits to get a post-graduate certificate. I then go on to complete further credits until I get my MA - eek!! Quite scared. Will be focusing on outdoor play and provision and the value of play.
Just hoping there are enough hours in the day to complete.I Did a 2500 word essay and it took me a few good months of hard work and shutting myself away at weekends to complete it so know I really need to crack on with the reading and researching in the library!!
27-10-2013, 04:23 PM
Wondering if anyone can help I'm having trouble with a few of the standards so far it's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 just kidding ! Oh heck what have I done, sometimes I'm buzzing on high and other times feeling a bit sick about it all just wanted to share x
I know exactly what you mean! I've just started too and am in major panic mode atm, with a touch of what have I done, I must be mad! I look at some of the standards and just don't know how I will prove I meet them. We have also just found out that we have to do placements in reception including writing lesson plans and leading the lesson. That really is panicking me! Mind you I will have to find a good/outstanding school that is willing to let me do that and write a witness statement first.
18-11-2013, 01:53 PM
me too, just been looking online to see if I can find any guidance about how to relate my childminding practice to the standards. think we need a new thread......
I know exactly what you mean! I've just started too and am in major panic mode atm, with a touch of what have I done, I must be mad! I look at some of the standards and just don't know how I will prove I meet them. We have also just found out that we have to do placements in reception including writing lesson plans and leading the lesson. That really is panicking me! Mind you I will have to find a good/outstanding school that is willing to let me do that and write a witness statement first.
24-11-2013, 10:31 PM
me too, just been looking online to see if I can find any guidance about how to relate my childminding practice to the standards. think we need a new thread......
Agree that would be a good idea, I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed. At the moment my biggest problem is showing leadership!
Sam x
25-11-2013, 01:35 PM
Agree that would be a good idea, I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed. At the moment my biggest problem is showing leadership!
Sam x
I feel the same, I feel my evidence is wooly at the best!!!
25-09-2015, 07:05 AM
Hi I'm doing the EYITT through ELC too but I'm on the UPP route as need to top up my foundation degree at the same time. The only bit I am worried about is providing evidence of leadership as I dont have any assistants and tend to sit back in our childminding group get togethers.
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