View Full Version : Silly question but probably REALLY obvious :-)

03-04-2012, 08:27 PM
In my numbers I can have one child under 5 and 3 children aged 5-8.
If for e.g I have a 4 year old in my under 5 numbers and they turn 5 and move into 5-8 numbers, if I already had my full capacity of 5-8s (3 children), wouldn't this child make me over my numbers as I would have 4 children?

Does this make sense or am I overthinking things? lol

03-04-2012, 08:40 PM
No as u would still be within your max numbers u just may not be able to take on any more i dont know what your limit is

you could choose to have all ur mindees in the 5-8 age group if u wanted.

But im in Scotland and its so different here

03-04-2012, 08:53 PM
How many under 8s in total can you have?

That is your upper limit in the house at one time.

Most certificates say max 6 under 8s... but if you have 2 children of your own in that age group it would be reduced to 4.

The 4 are then under 8s... just be careful though about filling your spaces with school children if you then can't find others to fit in the day time gaps or you risk having to turn someone away during school holidays.

Hth :D