View Full Version : HOLIDAY MINDEES

01-04-2012, 10:06 AM
I Have a mum who has just started her child full time untill august, and with the kids holidays here, obviously as she is the only child i have during the holidays i still want to take my own kids out,
Should i charge mum or ask her for admission fees if we go out to different places, or just treat her child as family :blush:

Also can i ask what is your typical childminding day, and do u weekly plan what toys u are going to have out so that the same toys are not always out

01-04-2012, 12:52 PM
Hi Elaine,
I also mind during the holidays...and have two children of my own(now 18 and nearly12).
I have always let mums know that I do go out a lot in the holidays. I will always let them know where and if they really have an objection, then I won't go (save it for when I don't have them)
I also explain that they will need to give me extra money in the hols for trips etc. I have a good working relationship with my mums and most of the time they will give me £5, £10 or £20 (depending on which holiday) at the beginning of the holiday to pay for trips Etc. I mean big trips like Legoland, Beaconscot Model Village, Odds Farm...these are all places that cost over £5 per child to get in (and more!). If I've got 6 children with me, it can be very expensive :eek:
If I'm going to the park and there is an ice cream van then I tend to put that down to expenses...if I mention it and the parent insists on paying me then I graciously accept the money! :D but I don't mind the odd ice cream or cake.

I spend a lot of the holidays doing picnics at the several parks within a 7 mile radius of my house...the children love to choose which one.
I also go to the woods, again, quite a few near me. I have mostly boys, so lots of outdoor activities works well.
Last year on one of the warmer days we ended up down at the village stream for the whole day! Took crocs so that they could walk in the stream, plastic boats and a picnic...I had to drag them away!
I have tried planning each week in past years, but now I tend to write a list of things I'd like to do, ask the children what they'd like to do and then take each day/week as it comes. I try and also get together with the other childminders in my group and plan trips too. They work well.
I have a back up list of indoor activities if I need them.
One thing the children love to do is their summer scrapbook. We make the covers together at the beginning of the hols and then each day put something in, be it a photo of what they've done, a feather/leaf/ticket or something that relates to their day and a few words about the day, then add stickers and drawings. These go with them if they go on holiday with a little ready made pack with a pencil, rubber, colouring pencils, paper and a glue stick...that way it's all there to do and the parent doeasn't have to worry about the bits. Popular with the parents too.

01-04-2012, 07:04 PM
I don't charge any extra however I do put any costs incurred down as business expenses. I suppose it depends on what trips you are planning to do, I know childminders who ask for additional money if the costs are going to be high

01-04-2012, 08:19 PM
Debbie, please can I come to your house? It sounds so much fun!:)