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View Full Version : handwriting practice

20-03-2012, 11:52 AM
ok, that possibly isn't quite the right title, but i have a LO, coming up 4, who is currently wanting to write lots...she does lots of little scribbles and says they are letters ( i love when they start doing this :) )

we're practising writing her name ( as its something she wants to do ) and i was thinking that if i had some sheets etc with dotted lines on ( straight lines, zigzag, wavy, etc ) she could copy over them. i used to have loads, but i can't find them! as well have having dotted lines, i used to have some that had a 'path' to draw between too.

anybody got any good links?

i can draw some, but easier to print them off :blush:


20-03-2012, 11:57 AM
There's some on activity village


Miffy xx

20-03-2012, 11:58 AM
I use the ones from here. There are about 10/11 pages of patterns to trace the shape.


20-03-2012, 11:59 AM

try this one has lots, if you go on Dynamic Lines Worksheets: click on the work sheets and above them is, generate new sheets, you get more of the same ones

20-03-2012, 12:15 PM
Thank you everyone :)
It's the activity village ones I've used before. I forsee my printer being busy ;)

20-03-2012, 12:17 PM
Also if you have lacing cards and beads or fruit or whatever, it'll really help her handwriting by improving her fine motor skills and muscle development :)

20-03-2012, 12:26 PM
A good way to develop skills for emergent writing is to use tracing paper clipped to a clip board and then underneath whatever image, name, dots underneath (you can even laminate the image/sheet) x

This is a great book, again copy and laminate the pages

to help, felt pen is easier and smoother to handle than pencil, as pencil requires pressure to accomplish a decent mark, so just to make it a little bit easier and less frustrating (when starting) use wipe boards and dry markers x

have a selction of printable work sheets

ooooh!! and another good one to link it to CCL and KNUW is to get her to write a shopping list (does not have to be anything more than scribbles) and then go to the shops and buy what she has written (even if its marshmallows to her, can give them to mum to decide what to do with) this will show how writing links to communication and information x
water and a paintbrush in the garden for mark makings a good'en, as well as chalks, you can make the letter with chalk and then she can copy over the top with the water (CLL, KNUW, PSE, PD, CD)

HTH and sorry if I am treading on toes, as you probably know all of this anyway :blush:

20-03-2012, 01:15 PM
i've got a dotty font i can e-mail you if you like? then you can make your own worksheets/names. :thumbsup:

20-03-2012, 01:20 PM
What about roleplay areas with lots of writing materials too. Our children's centre had an "office" set up last week and the children loved it, there was lots of independent writing going on even from the tiny ones. You could have a post office, travel agents, ticket office, hospital - I love when they get to this age.

30-07-2014, 02:41 PM
Sorry to bring up an old thread but this is brilliant. Off to the shops for more ink and paper after all the links I have just got from looking at emerging writing posts. My daughter is in her element and can't wait to get printing and crafting. Another site shows how to make easy dress up outfits from everyday things.

This is why I went back into childminding the fun things you can do while watching the lo's achieve wow moments.

Chatterbox Childcare
30-07-2014, 02:56 PM
Doesn't have to be pen and paper - letters in paint, playdough, chalk, old washing up body full of water - anything allowing her to make shapes