View Full Version : SEN

13-03-2012, 07:32 PM
Hi again ladies, I'm really in a flap regarding SEN. I've had my pre reg visit put back to Fri (even longer to stress ha ha ) I've got everything whizzing around my head and I'm drawing a complete blank. What sort of activities would be best to give as an example if I'm asked how I will include a child with SEN? Sorry I keep picking your brains I'm just so stressed an confusing myself with things now.
Thanks in advance
Kate x :panic:

14-03-2012, 11:20 AM
there's some good ideas on here about toys etc for children with SEN.


I've got my pre-reg visit tomorrow so i'm also looking for ideas etc & revising. nervous is an understatement!:panic:

14-03-2012, 02:08 PM
Ohh good luck, let me know how it goes,mine is at half 9 on Fri. I'm nervous to! Just hope it goes well. I feel so unprepared lol

14-03-2012, 05:56 PM
You can include a child with SEN at any level and with any activities... however you might need to make what the Equality Act calls 'reasonable adjustments' to ensure they can join in.

For example during a planting activity a child in a wheelchair might benefit from planting in a raised flowerbed... during a dance activity a child using calipers might need extra space to move around so everyone is safe.

Good luck with your inspection! :D

14-03-2012, 10:09 PM
Thank you Sarah! Last minute sorting tomorrow ready for Fri. I'm just grateful its first thing in the morning so I'm not stressing all day ha ha :)

15-03-2012, 12:32 PM
Yaaay i passed my inspection :-D it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. She asked a few questions about everything so make sure u go through ur pre-reg booklet. There were a couple things she asked me where my mind went blank but she just told me 2 revise a little more on those areas. As long as u understand the requirements etc u'll be fine! She didnt ask anything about SEN.
Good luck! :-)

15-03-2012, 12:46 PM
When I was asked about this I simply said that without knowing the particular childs special needs and interests I couldnt say....I think they liked that as you are saying that you will cater for the child individually once you have found out what they need.