View Full Version : Blind cords!

13-03-2012, 06:13 AM
Why are babies still dieing because of blind cords? It is widely known now how dangerous they are yet parents are still not heeding the warning!

As terrible as I feel for families who lose children this way I have to think why didn't you tie the cord up or make it safe?

On daybreak a poor little chap went to bed, but got up and looked out his window and got caught... why on earth would you not make it safe. I do feel for that poor family and would not wish it on anyone but it is not like there has not been any warnings before.

She said she wants to warn parents and make sure his death was not in vein, but what about all the other babies and all the other warnings? How many does there need to be!

13-03-2012, 07:52 AM
This is something I have been concerned about since my Dss were little and DH always adapted the blinds so the cords were very short, I needed to strech to use them myself.

My DN moved into a rented house with here DS aged 2 recently. I warned her about the blinds. I know she and my sister thought I was over reacting but two days later therewas a big article in the Sun about a poor child who had died because of these cords. Soon after my DH had a call asking if he could sort the blinds out for her.

13-03-2012, 08:13 AM
You may find this leaflet useful:


I agree to some extent it seems common sense to tie up blind cords. I am 57 this month and I remember my Grandma had blinds and there was a cleat on the side of the window and the cord was wound around the cleat out of the way. It is not rocket science.

I think the trouble is we now have a generation of spoon fed parents who can't think for themselves and have no imagination.

13-03-2012, 08:16 AM
This is something I have been concerned about since my Dss were little and DH always adapted the blinds so the cords were very short, I needed to strech to use them myself.

My DN moved into a rented house with here DS aged 2 recently. I warned her about the blinds. I know she and my sister thought I was over reacting but two days later therewas a big article in the Sun about a poor child who had died because of these cords. Soon after my DH had a call asking if he could sort the blinds out for her.

There is no need to do this and it can make it very difficult to operate the blind. You need a cleat attached to the wall. Either one that the cord threads through and when fixed to the wall hold the cord in tension or one you wind the cord around. Most new blinds have cords that instantly break when put under tension so children can't strangle themselves.

13-03-2012, 08:30 AM
I will say some things do pass people by... I was not aware of the danger till recently and my Ofsted inspector at my ref didn't notice my blonds cords either... We have now adjusted them and I was horrified. I don't read the news much, am new to child minding and had just never heard about it. Sometimes things state you in the face but still need to be pointed out.

13-03-2012, 08:32 AM
Sorry that should have been ' some things stare you in the face'

13-03-2012, 08:59 AM
You may find this leaflet useful:


I agree to some extent it seems common sense to tie up blind cords. I am 57 this month and I remember my Grandma had blinds and there was a cleat on the side of the window and the cord was wound around the cleat out of the way. It is not rocket science.

I think the trouble is we now have a generation of spoon fed parents who can't think for themselves and have no imagination.

I think that leaflet is fab, thanks for sharing RS. Like Jadavi said some people just dont know these things. Could be a good info leaflet to give to parents.:thumbsup:

candy cat
13-03-2012, 10:49 AM
it happened to someone i knew .....a year old lo and i used to work in a gift shop and remember helping her mum choose an angel dec for this lo for her first christmas (i have one the same) so each year when i put this dec up i always say a little prayer .....some people just don't always think about dangers :panic:

13-03-2012, 07:59 PM
I've cut mine. I still coil the cord up out of the way too. They still work just the same but a child can't get tangled up in them. Simple :thumbsup:
