View Full Version : Friday night.

nikki thomson
09-03-2012, 08:42 PM
Hi, everyone I know seems to be doing something rather nice this evening/weekend, my mindee has flown up to Edinburgh with her mum to see friends, my best friend is out for a birthday do and what am I doing I'm on here watching dh playing COD on the x-box, very exciting, not!!!!.
Tomorrow the kids are going to come in the garden with me and help me scrub all the outdoor toys/playhouse etc as its getting warmer and my little mindee loves the outdoors so thought I'd scrape all the mould from the playhouse and the plastic food that's been festering all winter.
What are you all up to this weekend anything nice?. X

09-03-2012, 08:43 PM
this weekend consists of me ferrying my 6 year old to various birthday parties, fun for me or what?! :laughing:

09-03-2012, 08:45 PM
Hi Nikki, all being well Im having a lay-in then weather permitting Im in the mood for some gardening. Hoping my little grand daughter is popping over in the afternoon and chilling out on sunday. x

09-03-2012, 08:55 PM
I went out with my mindees today and bought lots of flowers to brighten up the garden, primulars etc. Now I have got to plant them :rolleyes:

Prob a bit of a lie in in the morn then up and do washing, planting and I want to get some different resources out of my shed.

Need to do a good sort out and tidy up because I have a fellow Forum member visiting on Sunday morning:blush:

Need to get some more college work done as well.

09-03-2012, 09:05 PM
Hi, everyone I know seems to be doing something rather nice this evening/weekend, my mindee has flown up to Edinburgh with her mum to see friends, my best friend is out for a birthday do and what am I doing I'm on here watching dh playing COD on the x-box, very exciting, not!!!!.
Tomorrow the kids are going to come in the garden with me and help me scrub all the outdoor toys/playhouse etc as its getting warmer and my little mindee loves the outdoors so thought I'd scrape all the mould from the playhouse and the plastic food that's been festering all winter.
What are you all up to this weekend anything nice?. X

My dh is playing battlefield hopefully will be planting and sorting my garden out a bit more have lots of vegs to plant.

Other than that it dancing for my 2 dd's with exam on sun.

Oh that and the mountain of ironing :rolleyes:

jumping j
10-03-2012, 11:52 AM
I'm off to see my mum, uncle's and aunties who are away in their motorhomes for the weekend.
Then I've got 2 mindees birthday parties on Sunday (both sets of parents are friends from before minding) 3 year olds 12-3 and 4 year olds 2-5.
5 hours of screaming kids and bouncy castles then I'm going for a large glass of wine...at least I've got monday off!!!:clapping::clapping: