View Full Version : Jack Marshall Brain Tumour Fund

06-03-2012, 08:42 PM
I wanted to tell you about my friend's little boy, Jack.

Jack was just 6 years old when he passed away last year on October 13th at home surrounded by in family and in his mum Tracey's arms after battling against a brain tumour for 2 years. Tracey & Craig nursed Jack at home 24/7 for the last 6 mmonths of his life, they are a remarkable family.

WHen Jack was seriously ill he decided he would like to help to raise awareness of brain tumours and their early detection in children as this is vital in determining the outcome, Jack set up www.Jacksfund.co.uk (http://www.jacksfund.co.uk/) with the help of his mum and dad and big brother Josh to do just this.

Jack started twittering to raise awareness and made a facebook page to raise awareness, this has resulted in Jack having over 100,000 followers on twitter and over 10,000 friends on facebook, these followers and friends have become known as Jack's Army and trielessly support Tracey , Craig and Josh daily in what I can only imagine days that have very dark times in them.

I cannot imagine Losing child and watching my friends loose their 6 year old son broke my heart, Jack smiled through it all.

I can oonly imagine what Graham and Pauline have recently gone through and hope they too have a loveing family and support network around them other than their Forum Army.

I have been planning a black tie ball in Jacks honour for September 15th at the wortley hotel in scunthorpe , tickets are £35 each and include a 3 course meal, freddie mercury tribute act, disco, raffle , auction, door prize and their will also be a proffessional photographer there to capture the night and also a caracaturist.

Jacks parents are in the process of registering Jacks Fund to a charity , which will hopefully be by the end of the march/april. There aim is to help other families who have children suffering from any form of cancer in any way thery need help be it financially to help pay bills ( Jacks familiy struggled as they were unable to work in order to give jack 24 hour care ) emotional support, loan equipment and aids etc

If you feel you could help in any way either by donating a raffle prize or something for the auction I would be very very grateful, or if you would like to make a donation however small, every £1 helps I would be very grateful and I know The Marshalls would be too.

Please take a look at www.jacksfund.co.uk (http://www.jacksfund.co.uk/) and read all about Jack and what an inspiration he was and continues to be, he really was an inspirational little boy

susan xxxx

07-03-2012, 10:17 AM
35 forum friends have read this but not one comment , have to say thats a little upsetting

07-03-2012, 10:45 AM
35 forum friends have read this but not one comment , have to say thats a little upsetting

I agree!

This has just bought a tear to my, I can't imagine going through that, but what an inspireation! xx

07-03-2012, 10:48 AM
I agree!

This has just bought a tear to my, I can't imagine going through that, but what an inspireation! xx

He fought it all with. Smile Becci, right to the end xxx thank you for reading about Jack xxx

07-03-2012, 10:55 AM
It's so sad to hear about parents losing their children, but very often so inspirational to hear about how courageous the children themselves have been.

I hope your fundraiser is a huge success xx

07-03-2012, 11:10 AM
sorry...spent a while looking at his website and having a cry.

what an inspirational little boy and family

wishing you luck with your fundraiser

mandy xxxxxx

07-03-2012, 11:47 AM
I follow Jack's wall on Facebook he was such an inspirationally brave boy. I love to read your messages Susan, you put on his facebook wall telling him all your news etc.

07-03-2012, 11:50 AM
Sorry but I am one of those who looked at this thread and had to come away for a while as I couldn't type through the tears :( There is just no justice in this world.

Woodlands Crem is literally round the corner from my Mum and my Grandma, Granddad and friend are there.

Such a brave little soldier, my thoughts are with the family xxx

07-03-2012, 01:28 PM
thats so very sad and cant begin to imagine what they are going through xx

07-03-2012, 08:00 PM
I too read and didnt comment! Sorry! :(
You have been doing a great job raising awareness for the cause.

As you know, one of Emma (dd's)'s 6 yr old friend is going through it too and we have spent lots of time wondering how on earth they are coping with it all.

Please remind me nearer the time about the raffle prize I offered.

Good luck with the ticket sales,
Rachel xx

07-03-2012, 08:27 PM
sounds like a very inspirational little fella, why is it always the good that get these things and not the horrible people in this world , life is so unfair at times, I hope your fundraising goes well and that you are able to help many other familys.

07-03-2012, 09:25 PM
What a beautiful little boy he is, so cheeky and full of life. It's just so cruel that little children have to go through this...I read everything on his webpage.

nikki thomson
07-03-2012, 10:13 PM
What an inspirational little boy, I've donated on his web page. X

08-03-2012, 08:24 AM
What an inspirational little boy, I've donated on his web page. X

Thank you that's very kind xxxxx

08-03-2012, 06:33 PM
Very touching indeed, such a brave family

I donated on the website xx

08-03-2012, 07:03 PM
I follow Jack's wall on Facebook he was such an inspirationally brave boy. I love to read your messages Susan, you put on his facebook wall telling him all your news etc.

Yes I do too

Hope you raise lots of money Susan

Angel xx

08-03-2012, 09:07 PM
Very touching indeed, such a brave family

I donated on the website xx

Thank you very much xxx

08-03-2012, 09:08 PM
Yes I do too

Hope you raise lots of money Susan

Angel xx

I'm aiming for £5000 Angel xxx

08-03-2012, 10:24 PM
We have another special little boy here in Birmingham Susan



Angel xx

09-03-2012, 12:12 PM
We have another special little boy here in Birmingham Susan



Angel xx

Awwww Harry, I ave been told all about Harry , fantastic young man, he is a big part of Jacks Army xxxx

09-03-2012, 01:21 PM
I too have been following Jack's story on Facebook and it has been heartbreaking. He was such a happy little boy and went through so much in his short life.

I hope you make £5000 hun, I have just donated x x

11-03-2012, 07:34 PM
I too have been following Jack's story on Facebook and it has been heartbreaking. He was such a happy little boy and went through so much in his short life.

I hope you make £5000 hun, I have just donated x x

Thank you chelle xxx