05-03-2012, 07:02 AM
Morning Everyone

Monday again :panic::panic: Where do the weekends go?I hope you all had a good one?

March winds will blow and we will have snow ......... but I want Spring now I got used to that weather last week , it is really chilly here this morning brrrrr

So what are your plans this morning , I am going to go with the flow I think because I am unsure if 2 of mine are back or not ha

Hope you all have a great day and wrap up warm

Angel xxx

05-03-2012, 07:36 AM
Hi, don't know what the temp is like here, not been out yet. Also going with the flow cos parents keep changing their minds about which kids I have all this week. If I have little ones we'll go to tots, then play in the back yard I think. Might get them to help me change out the snails and feed the gerbil.
I do have kids after school though today, so no rest for me.

05-03-2012, 07:40 AM

Very wet & windy here overnight but seems to have settled down now.
We are off to soft play this morning, I've got a 3yr old and a 2yr old plus my before & after schoolers.
My back, although a bit better, is still painful so I need to watch what I'm doing today.

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

05-03-2012, 07:44 AM
Cold and windy, but sunny here. No mindees today so taking DD for an overdue haircut. Off to buy some more folders and plastic wallets as I want to rearrange my parents info folder. Have potential parent coming round this pm so I guess I'll have to scrub the house at some point too. Also promised DD that we would plant our potatoes which have been chitting away nicely for the past two weeks!

05-03-2012, 07:53 AM
Morning :)

Day off here so dragging myself swimming once I've dropped my son off at school :)

Then coming home to sleep :laughing:

05-03-2012, 08:07 AM
Morning - looks chilly but beautiful out there

Ive got 2 today 1 before after school and 1 before and after nursery

So after school run i have 2.5 hours to myself:clapping:

05-03-2012, 08:08 AM
Morning all,

We have thick frost this morning but the sun is trying to come out so should thaw . Not sure if working this morning or not as wee ones not been here all last week so will see.

05-03-2012, 08:15 AM
I have a quieter day and no school run to do:) I am doing a settling in session for an 8month old who starts next week, has beena bit rushed in sorting out settling in days as she was not due back to work at her job until April but has found a job nearer to home and me so starts next week.

I will probably be concentrating on mothers day activities so i don't have to rush next week:)

Hope everyone has a good day

05-03-2012, 09:13 AM
Morning all

Back from school run, very cold and windy although sun is out.

Just 1 LO during day, other has chicken pox. Then school and pre-school pick up this afternoon. So will go with the flow and when LO has his sleep - paperwork.

05-03-2012, 02:37 PM
wet and windy here,, only 3 littlys but very noisey cause we having the cavity wall insulation done today,, they have took it in their stride though and not cried at the nosie, we have made sunflowers with yellow felt to stickon the petals and black rice for the middle seed part, very messy but lots of fun, we have also put some water beads in to soak so will see how that ends up tomoro

05-03-2012, 03:14 PM
been on a speech & language course this morning. really good, could have stayed all day!

both Dd & Ds have friends for tea tonight, so have been prepping tea and made waffles for pudding. dd has given up chocolate for lent ( and is doing so well :clapping: ) so i thought it wouldn't be fair to do choc sauce as usual, so made toffee sauce, and just had to lick out the saucepan :blush:

really miffed, i was meant to be on an inclusion & equality course tomorrow and its been cancelled. :( :mad: oh well, going to use the time to get my online safeguarding done and go through everything and get it all sorted and up to date. but still GRRRRR. i was looking forward to the course, as the woman running it is excellent and i can't make the childminders day she is running! :(

its cold here!