View Full Version : cat owners, need help please

03-03-2012, 07:22 PM
our male cat is 2yrs old and was , unitll 6 months ago, fully house trained, he has had the chop so to speak but he has taken to weeing and ocasionaly pooing upstairs either in the spare room where my son plays a lot or in my sons room,, when we first got him he attatched him self to my son and he would shadow my son everywhere so not sure if thats got anything to do with it ,,,but I cant figure why he would do this, its never in the same place and I have tried cleaning the area with dettol and also orange smelling oil and I did once rub his nose in it but this upset my son so much that I couldnt do it any more and obvioulsy it didnt work anyway as I have just come down from cleaning another patch!
yesterday we were changing my sons bed when the cat jumped on to the bed and squated ready to wee,, I scooped him up and chucked him outdoors before anything happend.
we have a catflap on the door that leads to the hall and stairs so that the cats can escape the mindees but not get trapped upstairs where they can not get out I have now locked this so they stay downstairs but feel this is unfair on my other cat who prefers to keep out of the way during the day
so any suggestions as to how I can stop him peeing upstairs ?

03-03-2012, 07:53 PM

I know you said you have tried orange oil, have you tried anything menthol, like vapur rub etc? Cats hate it, I know it might smell like someone has a constant cold for a while but it could help break the habit. Also you can buy from the vet those plug in things that calm cats, could be worth a look? Has anything changed recently to cause him any stress...?

I have cats and have been minding for 7 months now. The male cats are fine and love the extra attention from the children, the female has been over grooming and seems really grumpy at times. I think she's found it a bit stressful, she doesn't particularly like LO's in general but loves ds 9. I've always made sure the cats have somewhere to hide and don't get too bothered by LO's. I think I will have to get her seen as she'll be bald soon!:panic:

Not sure what else to suggest, but hope it gets better soon.

amo :)

03-03-2012, 08:07 PM
is there some reason why he's not going out? Maybe the neighbour has a new do or a new cat?

Is he weeing or spraying to mark territory? Even cats who have been 'done' can do this, maybe there's an unadulterated Tom in the neighbourhood and puss is saying 'this is mine!'

What do you clean it up with? Don't use bleach as this makes them do it more apparently (and certainly in my experience), you can buy urine eliminator stuff, like Bob Martins, which actually gets rid of the odour so they can't smell it nay more

03-03-2012, 08:07 PM
oh dear poor girl,,i was minding before i got our cats,, the male one will scratch if hes pestered too much but the the female, who is the most contankerous old moo ever, will just walk off and hide which is why I like them to be able to go upstairs out of the way,
thanks for the tips,, i havent tried vapor rub so will give that a go,, I did think about having a litter tray upstairs but I dont really want to encourage it to happen even more

03-03-2012, 08:17 PM
Oddly enough, our neutered male has just started doing this too! Only weeing though, no pooping. Really really really annoying me. I've put their water bowl outside now, so he needs to go out to drink. It hasn't happened for a few days now...am hoping this has cracked it. That and we put him outside as soon as he has eaten and as soon as he starts to prowl. Little toad is gonna find himself buried in the backyard if he doesn't knock it off though.
If you figure out the cause, please post it so I can judge whether that is what is causing mine to be a poop head too please. There has been a change in neighbourhood cats here.

03-03-2012, 08:48 PM
as far as im aware there hasnt been any changes so I dont know why he does it,, he drinks out of the dog bowl and obviously that has to stay in cause the dog wont fit through the cat flap:laughing:

03-03-2012, 09:19 PM
One of my girl cat's started weeing on the dog's new bed. I can't work out why she is doing it when she has always gone outside.

I have now put a cat litter tray in the same room as the beds and this seems to have stopped her. Not ideal, but I figured it was much easier to empty a litter tray than washing the dog's bed, sometimes twice a day!!

03-03-2012, 11:01 PM
Clean it with bicarbonate of soda and a touch of white vinegar to neutralise the smell. Try using pepper to discourage him. Naughty cat! I would try to stop him going upstairs at all costs, perhaps keep the doors closes at least so that he can't go and wee in the bedrooms. Hope he stops.