View Full Version : Poor DH... XD... I shouldn't laugh!!!

01-03-2012, 01:53 PM
I thought I was bad for doing dumb things :rolleyes:

DH just called to tell me he just walked out of Tesco with two bags of shopping without even paying for it :eek:

He had been to Tesco to get some Easter Eggs (12 for £10, decent size as well... make note!) took them back to the car then went back to get to get his lunch and several packs of doughnuts for his office.

Using the self serve till he scanned his lunch and some of the doughnuts, bagged them up, then just walked out :eek: Someone went after him to ask if he had paid and he was like xxxx :eek:NO I haven't! He laughed and was embarrassed so went back to pay, going bright red and the lady said "Have you scanned all the items" he said he had, and realised at the same time as the lady that actually he hadn't and before he could say actually no, the lady told him he hasn't scanned all the doughnuts... To say DH wanted to die of embarrassment is an understatment!

He apologised and admitted it looked really bad, but couldn't stop laughing at how stupid he had been. I think he wanted to ground to open up. He shas no idea why he did it, but said he will now use the proper tills in future.

What a wally!

The Juggler
01-03-2012, 02:01 PM
oh no! at least they believed him :laughing::laughing:

01-03-2012, 02:05 PM
oh no! at least they believed him :laughing::laughing:

OMG! Could you imagine getting arrested on your birthday for a mistake...

Quite funny really, we play monopoly on the Wii and it is always me who is the Robber lol

01-03-2012, 08:04 PM
my mum once picked up a bag of spuds and hooked the handle over her arm whilst doing the rest of her shopping at the till the assistant scanned everything but didnt mention the spuds on mums arm,, it wasnt untill we got half way home that she realised she hadnt paid for them!
and when my son was a baby in the pram we went in Game so my OH could look at stuff but my daughter was getting bored so me and the kids went out of the shop, we got down the road and i wonded what was dragging under the pram, thinking i'd dropped somthing, when i looked it was one of their boxed pc games , it must have fallen of the shelf then i ran over it and hooked it under the pram! i was so embarassed that i walked all the way back to the car with it before I dare pick it up:blush:

01-03-2012, 08:13 PM
I once propper my baby up in a shopping trolly with 2 loaves of bread then totally forgot about them and didnt realise ubtil i was out of the shop !!!
i know a woman who has never ever paid for nappies,she said she would just put them under her pram in the shopping basket and then carry a hand basket,no one ever questioned her ,she said if they had she would just say "oh thanks i forgot they were there" shocking :eek:

blue bear
01-03-2012, 09:55 PM
I got stopped in ikea on Saturday dh had miss counted the trofast boxes and only paid for 12 not 18!!! Guy was not impressed but it was a genuine mistake.

01-03-2012, 10:47 PM
when DD was a toddler and in a buggy I was shopping in Next and stole a childrens denim skirt by accident! It had hooked on the buggy and I had walked out. Only found out when I was in KFC down the road :rolleyes:. Would have kept it but it was too small for DD and had the tag on anyway :laughing:

I also took items from Woolies when it existed. DS in buggy, DD walking having a paddy so I stomped off out of the shop forgetting I had hung some items on the side. Took them back and no one seemed bothered. :rolleyes: