View Full Version : Help with questions for divorce solicitor please

01-03-2012, 09:20 AM
Sorry its me again, I know Im a pain but finally got an appointment with a solicitor and I want to make sure I get all the important questions across cos if I have to pay its £185 an hour x Makes our wages pants doesnt it.xx
I know I need to ask about house, pensions etc. but just thought as theres a few of us gone through this or going through this some of you may know other important issues to discuss.
Thanks in anticipation. xx

01-03-2012, 09:35 AM
could you not get a free initial consultation through citizens advice?...not sure if its available to all....or go to mediation as a couple - much cheaper......

You need to ask about what happens to the house if you are staying in it, will he have to contribute, will you have to sell and give him his money, pensions are only really an issue if one person has an enormous pension, will he have to pay maintenance for children and how much (eg 20% of salary for 2 children), how do you get a divorce - what is the process....what's the next steps you need to take......

I got divorced a few years ago, mega stressful isn't it, I wouldn't wish it on anyone but I really would recommend mediation - unless there is violence involved then you can't. A friend of mine just got a free legal consultation through citizens advice. If you are on a low income you get mediation for free (or used to) and you are regarded as separate when you start, takes about 3 or 4 sessions to draw up all financial agreements and everything else, then you get a solicitor to draw these up, so much cheaper than negotiating through solicitors.

good luck xxx

01-03-2012, 09:45 AM
I went to one session from our cab and the woman was useless and the files for all the customers were all over the floor so dont want to use them. I agree I want to try mediation but I know what a crafty so and so the other half is so I want to get to know what I am rightfully entitled to. Then hopefully we can agree . He has waited till now as our youngest is leaving uni this year so he wont have to pay anything for the kids. Thanks for your reply and your concern tho it means a lot x

01-03-2012, 09:49 AM
A good divorce solicitor will have a list of things to discuss with you.

But yes it's usually money (house, pension, car, mortgage etc) and access to children (which isn't relevant to you).

That price sounds steep though - I'd shop around and see if there's a better deal.

Hugs xx

01-03-2012, 10:14 AM
Thanks Sarah, I have been trying to get an appointment for a few weeks now and then I was at a network meeting the other night and one of our DO s had used this one and had recommended him to 9 others who had also got good results with him apparently. So thats why I have made this decision at the mo. We have agreed to one meeting at the moment and he times it apparently and then you pay pro rata to what you use. This is why I want to get a list of questions and stick to it Sarah you know what Im like if i start talking I wont stop for a week. lol xx

01-03-2012, 11:16 AM
Take a notepad and pen to write down what he says. Your head will be in a mess and you are likely to forget xx

01-03-2012, 05:44 PM
Thanks Sarah I hadnt thought of that xx