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View Full Version : Came close to running a girl over today...

28-02-2012, 05:22 PM
I was doing the school run, driving up a hill that has cars parked staggered on either side of the road. I was getting to the top of the hill when I saw a bunch of teenage school kids coming out from behind a car to cross, I slowed down to give them time to cross, they all sort of did that jog to get across quicker... all except some snotty looking girl who strolled slowly across with her arms folded glaring at me. I pretty much had to drop to first and almost stop I was literally a few inches from actually catching her with the bonnet... :eek: once I got past I looked in the mirror and she was looking back at me laughing with her friends!!!:angry:

Some people have no brains!!!

Blue Boy
28-02-2012, 05:25 PM
Toooooo true:angry:

28-02-2012, 06:25 PM
Yep I have to drive past a secondry sch on my sch run & they all just walk into the rd looking at me is if I have commited a cardinal sin by driving down a rd:rolleyes: But what really gets me are the ones who are messing around & just randomly jump into the rd, they're just an accident waiting to happen:panic: