View Full Version : Next Steps help please

28-02-2012, 01:54 PM
Can anyone tell me if after doing Next Steps on an observation I then need to go back and make sure we've reached those goals?

I.E. observation was - N used both hands to draw using crayons
Links to EYFS was CLL Begin to make marks
Next Steps - Use resources such as paint, gloop, sand/water to support fine motor skills
- Talk about colours/shapes to support PSRN

What do I do next? Im totally lost with all this:panic:

mrs robbie williams
28-02-2012, 02:28 PM
thats it !! thats all you need to do, unless it links to something else as well. then show you are providing the opportunity for the child to do the next steps. I think thats right anyway - hope so as thats what i do :panic:

28-02-2012, 02:44 PM
Ok no doubt someone else will be along with some more advice. But here is what I have (hope I am right lol)

Basically I had a folder for my mindees, picture showing mindees painting and an observation about how he knew the colours but not all and not how to make different colours... I wrote up next steps to play with playdough and mix colours and also do painting again with just black, white, red, blue and yellow and MAKE the other colours... we did this and again I took photos and observed this... However Ofsted said it was not right. I called DO to come out as that really knocked me, all my work was done this way.

DO gave me a sheet of paper which I adapted to suit me. It said "I can"... space to for what the child CAN already do. Then "My nexts steps" ... space for what the nexts steps will be then "Emma will help me by"... space to write what sort of things I will be doing. Then parents comments.


I can ... say simple words like ma, da, lo. I can follow simple instructions and know where my ears, eys and nose is.

My bext steps are ... to extend vocabulary and be able to follow actions to songs and be able to identify myself in photos as an individual.

Emma will help me by ... continuing to take me to tiny tots music and movement, will continue to sing nursery rhymes with actions to me throughout the day. Give me simple instructions to follow and use repetative language as well as talking about my immediate family.

Parent comment ... (anything they will do to support the next steps, ideas etc)

This is my base... i then do a plan (I only have 2 or 3 planned activites a week the rest we are out at groups, have free play) I will make sure that all 6 areas of learning are covered in what we do... example tiny tots (PSED, PD, CLL) Made cards for valentine day (PSR&N, CD) etc... so although my main goal is in a particular area I cover ALL the areas. I then make notes and observe and put these in the folders...

Then I review the assessment and do another assessment based on my obs about 6-8 weeks later.

0-3 DO came and looked through everything and said it was right so, hopefully next time OFSTED visit I will have it down

28-02-2012, 02:52 PM
thats it !! thats all you need to do, unless it links to something else as well. then show you are providing the opportunity for the child to do the next steps. I think thats right anyway - hope so as thats what i do :panic:

So I do another observation based on my Next Steps so Ofsted can see I have revisited it and link it to original obs?

28-02-2012, 06:01 PM
Not every obs needs a next steps... some are stand alone wow moments or obs to say you have noticed something new happening.

Eg. Wow john put his shoes on tonight!!

In the same way not every next steps needs a follow up ...

Eg. John paints using 2 colours and shows me his new colour proudly... next steps look at colour blending with John... you might not write a specific follow up to the next steps because you are doing colour blending as part of a theme or he's done it elsewhere and you can bung a photo of his picture in his LJ.

If you are following up a next steps you can use a photo, a few brief words, comments from parents, comments from the child etc...

Eg. John paints using 2 colours and shows me his new colour proudly... next steps look at colour blending with John... John says he likes mixing colours - he used 2 colours of rice and mixed those together too (and add a photo).

The most important thing is that you demonstrate that your activities and the things the child is doing at home and elsewhere are helping him to achieve and learn new things and be challenged and excited about his learning.

Hth :D

F Mwanyolo
01-03-2012, 08:34 PM
I use next steps sheet for each child which I keep with their ILPs (individual learning plan). Ofsted lady really liked that which was hardly surprising as I stole the idea from the Outstanding nursery I used to work in.

I don't put down a next step for every observation, that would be too much. Observations are children's achievements and should be celebrated and not down graded by constantly pointing out that there is yet still further to go.

My next step sheets ends up having 2 or 3 notes on it for each child for each week often things that they have tried to do but not quite succeeded and probably things that I didn't write an observation on. I have 3 columns on the sheet: observation, eyfs area and next steps.

It actually turns out that this is very useful when writing plans and ILPs because you have lots to work with.

Does that help?

claire & steve
02-03-2012, 09:51 AM
Your ideas sound great, would you be kind enough to share your next steps sheet please thanks

02-03-2012, 10:02 AM
I use a next steps form for each child as well. I do one for each child every half of a term - I then plan from them what the child's next formal observation will be and link it.

My next steps are taken from the Eyfs practice guidance

For example -

CLL - Writing - "Begins to make marks" (8-20 months)

My next steps for this will be - CLL - Writing - "Examine the marks they and others make" ( 16- 26 months)

On next term's Next Steps form I write how I plan to cover this for example - CLL - Writing - "examine the marks they and others make"
Plan - Painting with brushes - week commencing - 5/03/2012


02-03-2012, 12:19 PM
I use a next steps form for each child as well. I do one for each child every half of a term - I then plan from them what the child's next formal observation will be and link it.

My next steps are taken from the Eyfs practice guidance

For example -

CLL - Writing - "Begins to make marks" (8-20 months)

My next steps for this will be - CLL - Writing - "Examine the marks they and others make" ( 16- 26 months)

On next term's Next Steps form I write how I plan to cover this for example - CLL - Writing - "examine the marks they and others make"
Plan - Painting with brushes - week commencing - 5/03/2012


Thats great Mollymop. Thats what I thought I should be doing. Thanks for clarifying. We were given observation sheets on our LA course - observation /photo at the top, what the adult provided, links to EYFS and Next Steps so I was confused when people kept saying I didnt need to do next steps because we were told we should be but I couldnt work out how to.
I feel so much better now thats clear! Thank goodness for this signt. :)

claire & steve
02-03-2012, 08:12 PM
Do you all link your next steps to the EYFS as well