View Full Version : planning for babies

26-02-2012, 01:32 PM
How much planning do you do for babies?

I have an 8 months old that doesn't yet move and I'm not sure what planning I should be doing for her.

What format do you use for babies?

The Juggler
26-02-2012, 03:08 PM
very simple for little ones.

have a range of thing to interest them at first

sparkly bits

you'd be looking for them being interested in exploring things so planning for a range of things to interest that curiosity

planning to allow time and space for physical development so room to crawl, chances to hold spoons, cups at feeding time

PSED - are they settled, secure, eating sleeping - planning around that would probably just to get them in a routine they are comfortable with or to settle them better. Are they interested in other children/adults

it is very loose though you are right :thumbsup: