View Full Version : Dilema - How to teach the children a life lesson.

22-02-2012, 11:09 PM
My daughter is a big Moshi Monsters fan and the craze in her class at the moment is for the little collectible Moshlings. She is in Yr 1 so is just getting into the swapping / lending thing.

When she first got some of these little figures I banned her from taking them to school as I felt she was too young to get the whole swap thing, however she soon began to get some doubles so I let her take them in to swap, explaining only to swap if she was happy with what she was getting and that a swap was forever. Then she was lent a couple and then reciprocated so again I explained that once lent not to expect them back. She then got a few rare ones and some LTD Edition Gold Moshlings which I explained were not to go to school.

Now transpires she has been smuggling these rare ones into school in her underwear :eek: and suffice to say she lent 4 to her best friend who took them home and lost them. His mother is upset and apologetic. She wants to replace them and get her son to contribute from his piggy bank (they are 6 so don't really get proper pocket money) to teach him to look after other peoples things, but I want to teach DD that she shouldn't take things into school when not allowed and it's tough poo if they then susequently get lost.

Just feel that whatever we do one child is going to get scot free.

Also do I practically strip search my DD before school or trust her not to take them in again?

23-02-2012, 07:07 AM
I would honestly take the lot away if it was me and not buy any more. The reason being that not only did she disobey you but she went to quite 'grown up' lengths to do so and that is something I would want to nip in the bud immediately. If you don't feel happy doing that maybe remove them for two weeks.

As for the other child, I would not really expect him to replace them as he shouldn't have had them in the first place but if thats what his mum genuinely wants to do then let her as it will make her feel better.

23-02-2012, 08:11 AM
I would take them all away too! x

23-02-2012, 08:45 AM
hmmm... well i wouldn't allow them to be replaced tbh as thats teaching her that there are no consequences. the friend loosing them was an accident rather than naughty but what your dd did was sneaky and imo needs the stronger message.

23-02-2012, 08:55 AM
I would take them away from your daughter immediately. I would be livid if my child had done this to me and I would want to make sure they realised it was not to happen again. I would also make it clear that there would be no collections of such things in the future.

As four have been lost by this lad I would allow one to be replaced now so his mum can make a point and if mum really wants to replace the others suggest it is given as a birthday present.

To be honest I am surprised they are allowed in your daughters school. Most schools now ban these obsessive swapping crazes. If I was you I would be asking the school to take this view and ban it and any future ones.

23-02-2012, 09:37 AM
I wouldn't expect other parent to replace them her son should just apologise for losing them and promise to hunt thoroughly for them, as for your daughter l would explain that you will not buy her any more as she didn't do as you asked and you have wasted your money.

The Juggler
23-02-2012, 10:52 AM
i would be very cross with my child if they did this. However, I would not let the other child replace them. I think it will be lesson enough for your DD if she "loses" them because she took them to school when she was not supposed to.

If the other child replaces them for her, then she may imagine next time if they get lost it's ok someone will buy new ones for her. :panic: The boys mum can find another way of teaching him to look after things:thumbsup:

23-02-2012, 12:06 PM
Agree with above, definitely don't replace. She didn't follow your instruction and now needs to see the consequence of her action in order to make better choices in the future. If she willingly lent them to her friend then I can't see that he has done anything wrong in accepting them and if his mother really wants to teach him to look after other peoples things she could take some of his existing ones away.

23-02-2012, 04:48 PM
Perhaps other child's mum could give them to you, then you could put them away with all the others and let your daughter earn them back by good behaviour, working hard at school, whatever else you think of.

nikki thomson
23-02-2012, 06:08 PM
Hi, moshi monsters and all trading swapping has been banned at my children's school because of this very reason, my ds use to smuggle them as well!!! But now it's banned there's no point. X

25-02-2012, 10:19 PM
i think that i would be very annoyed with my daughter if she did this, but i would also be thinking has the other child "lost" them on purpose!! you say they were either gold ones or ltd edition so maybe he just didnt want to give them back, also if his mum does replace them how could she possibly replace them with them same ones as the packs are just pot luck so whats the chance of her getting them??
am i being bad minded thinking like this??
i once lent a valued photo to someone because she had lost her copy and guess what...she "lost" my copy.....

26-02-2012, 06:50 AM
Well I wouldnt be having her friend replace them. If it was one of mine I would be taking the view that they deceicved me in smuggling them into school so its their fault its lost and as OIABM says they would all be removed till I could trust them again :thumbsup:

26-02-2012, 10:07 AM
The smuggling in her underwear does need nipping in the bud and I would take them all away until she proves she can be trusted.

It may start with with these toys but she may take more valuable things in. My dd (grown up now) took in my gold necklace to show her friends. Luckily the teacher saw her wearing it and phoned me but I hadnt even realised it was missing :o