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08-02-2012, 11:18 PM
Gearing up for my first inspection and wondered if Ofsted busied themselves with our business paperwork Ie invoices receipts and expenses? I know they have to look for Emerg contacts etc on contracts but do they check every box has been filled in etc?

Thanks in advance

09-02-2012, 05:43 AM
Your income and expenses re nothing to do with Ofsted

Contracts (as in you have them)
Child information forms
Attendance records
Development records
Accident records
Medication records
Evacuation practice records
Risk Assessment
Policies and procedures

All these 'paper' record could be check by Ofsted

Penny :)

09-02-2012, 06:07 AM
Absolutely make sure you have all relevant paperwork signed... I got marked down because of ONE form! I mind for siblings and ONE of the permissions to seek medical emergency treatment was not signed and I was told that has affect the the entire safeguarding of that child! Grrrrr

09-02-2012, 07:52 AM
Yes like Emma says you need to check every form - especially emergency, medication, accident etc are signed AND dated.

A friend was marked down for not having an accident form signed on the day it happened (parents hadn't collected for some reason it was aunty and she had forgotten to ask). If she'd made a note and asked aunty to sign it would have been fine, it was the unsigned form that caused the issue.

It's mostly safeguarding that they will look most closely at and pick up on.

Hth :D

09-02-2012, 07:58 AM
I agree about the safeguarding - my inspector told me if there was anything relating to safeguarding that was not spot on it would affect the whole inspection judgements.

Ofsted won't want to see your accounts.

Miffy xx

09-02-2012, 07:59 AM
What if a parent refuses to sign permission to seek medical attention?

09-02-2012, 08:22 AM
You must then put a footnote signed by parents to say so, my form says l do/do not agree to...... and parents delete and sign.

09-02-2012, 12:25 PM
I'm afraid, for me, if they don't sign to say I can seek any necessary medical help or assistance I need to ensure child safety and well being, I wont care for the child.


09-02-2012, 12:43 PM
What if a parent refuses to sign permission to seek medical attention?

Then you can't work with the child or you would be breaking the law.

The Eyfs is law and the Eyfs says this permission must be in place.

Hth :D

09-02-2012, 12:45 PM
I would not take on a child if parents refused to sign any of my permissions. I do not give them the option they have to agree to all of them and my Policies.

I don't show Ofsted my Contracts they are none of their business and are confidential between you and the parents as are none of our financial records. They used to ask for evidence that you were registered with the HMRC but they have stopped asking because at the end of the day it is none of their business if you are or not. The have no right to see any of your accounts, invoices or even what your hourly rate is.

I do have a blank copy of all the paperwork I expect parents to sign when they join me in my Parent information folder so Ofsted can see that I use Contracts.

Their remit is the Safety and Welfare of the children. The NCMA Contracts don't have a section for emergency contacts but I believe the MM ones do.

I have always had a one sheet of A4 Child Information form. It had the child's date of birth, address, parents names and contact phone numbers at home, work and mobile.

2 Emergency contacts with address and phone numbers

NHS number, Dr name address and phone number

Any allergies or other special information I should know about the child

Any imunizations the child has had.

This I happily have available for Ofsted to see.

I have each child who I have on the day file with, info form, signed permissions and signed policy document, signed sheet confirming they have received a copy of my Ofsted report (you have to give a copy to all of your parents) their LJ and development sheet. I take away the files of the children who are not with me that day. Ofsted are not interested in them or those of children who have left your care.

I use the NCMA Accident/Incident and Medicines book so all the current childrens records are in that and I use the NCMA Attendance Register.

09-02-2012, 01:44 PM
Do you carry around your permission to seek medical attention form?

Chatterbox Childcare
09-02-2012, 01:55 PM
You don't show them your contracts or your business books

09-02-2012, 02:22 PM
Do you carry around your permission to seek medical attention form?

I do, on the back of the emergency contact cards I made, is signed by parent and laminated.

Miffy xx

09-02-2012, 04:55 PM
Do you carry around your permission to seek medical attention form?

Not the one i have at home I wouldn't want to loose it. I do a separate one which the parents sign for me and I carry it in a little emergency folder 3x4" which has photos, emergency contact numbers parents numbers and the day and times the child is usually with me.

09-02-2012, 05:52 PM
Does everyone find that Ofsted are only interested in children who happen to be there the day they visit!

09-02-2012, 07:33 PM
Just a quick one then, what about data protection?

If you had the child's name, address, contact telephone numbers, medical information and what if it got stolen? Or what if someone saw it? Would you be breeching the data protection act?

09-02-2012, 08:20 PM
Just a quick one then, what about data protection?

If you had the child's name, address, contact telephone numbers, medical information and what if it got stolen? Or what if someone saw it? Would you be breeching the data protection act?

No because you are required by the Eyfs to have emergency information with you on outings.

If you think about it - if a child has an accident or is taken ill on an outing and needs emergency treatment there's little use in saying 'the form is at home' is there?

However I always inform parents that I am carrying the information with me and why.

And I have a RA in place saying what I would do in case of loss or theft - panic, call the police etc.

Hth :D

10-02-2012, 08:04 AM
Thank you :) Just wanted it clarified