View Full Version : Daily Diary

02-02-2012, 07:51 PM
I have a new child just started and when I went to start her Diary I decided to change the title....

I re-named it; A's Sharing Book and on the inside front cover I put a typed out message; 'This Sharing Book is a record of your child's time with us.
We will use it to give you a brief outline of your child's day, what they have done, any achievements, incidents or news.
As well as you reading about your child's day with us, we look forward to reading news from home and/or other settings.
You can also add any drawings from your child or any photo's of outings/activities etc.

I'm hoping that by doing this, more parents will contribute to the diary.

We have a few really good parents that do put comments/news in the existing diary's but we also have some who have never written anything :rolleyes:

02-02-2012, 07:57 PM
What a good idea. Hope it gets all the parents to write/comment more. :thumbsup:

23-02-2012, 08:30 AM
Very gentle way to say it. Let's hope it works. Mine never has a comment, just a sheet fron the nursery that Lo attends one a week. Rather generic. But better than nothing. I think your idea could work!:clapping: