View Full Version : getting to know your child questionaire to give parents to fill in

02-02-2012, 11:03 AM
can anyone help me with what questions would need to be included on this?
ive got so far :
childs full name?
Emergency contacts?
any allergies?
any medication taken regulary?
routines.... meal times, sleep times, any comforters
any food dislikes?
favourite songs / nursery rhymes?
favourite activities?

and now my heads spinning! have i missed anything? :eek:

16-02-2012, 12:51 AM
Hello 'mum of Harry'.....I just done a list the other week myself but not got it at hand at mo, but just trying to remember some of the questions....

Name & address of Parent/carer of child

Who will be the person to drop off/ pick the child up

If the person is going to be someone different, then the Parent has to let you know prior to pick up of child, and have a 'code word' between yourself and the parent and the person who picks the child up so you know its the right person, as they will give you the 'code word' or pass word.

Childs Doctors name address & phone number....

They are just a few for now, hope these have been a help for you..

Carli. (Pre-Childminder)

16-02-2012, 10:55 AM
I always ask for a daytime routine too, eg, food times and sleep times as well as play times, times when they may be tired and teasy etc.