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30-01-2012, 05:50 AM
Oh my word, waiting for my 2 new schoolies to arrive at 6am ! how do you cope starting so early ? glad it's not everyday for me, my body is in shock from been up ! Hope I don't fall asleep in my cornflakes !
have a good day y'all ! :)

30-01-2012, 06:01 AM
im normally up for about 5 and my mindees arrive between 730 and 8
lol it takes me that long to wake me self up, hoover, mop, feed and walk the dogs, I dont think id be impressed with mindees getting here before 7.30 lol

hope you have a good day x

30-01-2012, 06:26 AM
I get up at 5.30am...6am lately lol

My mindees arrive at 6.45am there is no way I am as crazy as adele1985 poo to getting up that early and actually doing STUFF... I am here in my dressing gown, fleece jimjams with a HOT COFFEE ummmmmm...

At 6.30am I will jump up think oh poo, run upstairs and quickly get washed, dressed and sorted before mindess arrive lol

mrs c
30-01-2012, 07:00 AM
Ah today I don't start til 8.20. Still been awake since 5.30, made a cuppa and now just dont want to get out of bed. Just couldnt cope with having los arrive too soon.

30-01-2012, 08:35 AM
my alarm goes off at 7am - I get up at 7.10ish and start work at 7.30 :laughing:
no more horrid commuting for me!!

30-01-2012, 08:40 AM
I LOVE early mornings!! :thumbsup:Best part of day - I used to work with race horses so was up at crack of dawn mucking out and first ride up the gallops was 7:30 so its the norm for me.
Although have got bit lazier since working in retail dont get up until 7:30 lol and thats only because ive got my kids to get ready for school:blush:

At the mo minding the earliest mindees come at 8am but if my other LOs start it will be 7am so will get up 6:30 :clapping:

30-01-2012, 05:41 PM
I did this for 18 months, used to get up at 5.30 to be ready for mindees who arrived at 5.50am, only 2 or 3 times a week though, couldn't have done it every day :eek:
Only trouble was they were also here until 6.30pm so it made it a long old day :(

nikki thomson
30-01-2012, 06:00 PM
my alarm goes off at 7am - I get up at 7.10ish and start work at 7.30 :laughing:
no more horrid commuting for me!!

Thats me too, although I don't start until 7.45, I manage to get myself up and showered, 3 kids up breakfasted and dressed in 35mins, I stay in bed as long as I can. X

30-01-2012, 07:21 PM
I did this for 18 months, used to get up at 5.30 to be ready for mindees who arrived at 5.50am, only 2 or 3 times a week though, couldn't have done it every day :eek:
Only trouble was they were also here until 6.30pm so it made it a long old day :(

Ouch - no way :D

30-01-2012, 07:37 PM
I get up at 6 first mindee arrives at 7 next 2 at 8 so I have a nice chilled out time with lovely little M til I have to share him :)

31-01-2012, 05:42 AM
well I lasted the day and I'm up again ! now where's my coffee ......

31-01-2012, 06:32 AM
2 of mine start at 6.30 (waiting for them now), it kills me as I then work a 12 hour day. Been doing it for 18 months now but to be honest don't know how much longer I can carry on.

31-01-2012, 08:25 AM
I have new baby starting tomorrow at 7.10, others arrive at 8am although i used to have a boy from 7.30

just a thought what time do all you early starters finish?? My day ends at 5pm (5.30 on a weds and 3pm on friday)

31-01-2012, 09:42 AM
finish at 5pm. Last night I got asked to work till 9pm tonight!! I has to say no, already feel like I have no other life other than being a childmnder, even when the kids left last night I had texts and phone calls off parents till gone 8pm..THATS WHAT THE CONTACT BOOK IS FOR!!! oh well, I love my job really :)

31-01-2012, 09:46 AM
I love my sleep it would feel very unnatural for me to get up that time in the morning haha.
I used to get up at 4.30am to go to work at 5.30am, ohh it made me feel terrible (Plus I was pregnant- morning sickness etc u get the idea). By the time my shift finished at 2pm I was ready for bed!! :laughing: I used to nap from 4pm til 6pm then go to bed at 9pm to do it all again.

I worked for a few weeks as a childminder getting up for a 6am arrival but they only came 3 days a week but it was very hard especially if you love your sleep like me!

Hope you have a good day x

Chatterbox Childcare
31-01-2012, 10:37 AM
My first arrives at 6.30 and I fall out of bed 10 mins earlier. I have my shower once my DH is up and about and looking after the mindees.

31-01-2012, 11:03 AM
My alarm goes of at 6.30am and my lovley breville machine makes me a cupa tea which I drink in bed ,, dont start till 8am at the moment but still like to be up fairly early to get my head in gear for the day.