View Full Version : rosemary conley?

27-01-2012, 10:09 PM
hi there just wandering if anybody is doing the rosemary Conley diet? i started it ten weeks ago and have 1/2 to go then i have lost a stone in 10weeks!! been tough with Christmas and new years and for some reason being everybody's birthday every weekend since i started!! shes brought out a new diet at beginning of this year and im struggling to go back to 1200 cals no alcohol or treats etc i cant help nicking bits of chocolate out the fridge etc!! i lost 2 pounds this week which is surprising considering i had an indian last friday a macdonalds for lunch followed my dominos then a chinese sunday night (im so bad!!!) anyone want to be buddies and help me be more motivated?? i think i need it as i have again just had an indian!! xx