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View Full Version : hotmail e-mail address - help!

21-01-2012, 10:37 AM
Hi - does anyone use hotmail e-mail?

I have used it for ages and as far as I am aware have never had any trouble with it. BUT over Christmas a parent came to see me and we had been communicating through e-mail. She phoned this week to say she'd e-mailed me afterwards and hadn't had a reply.
I was really embarrassed as I check my e-mails every day. Anyway she had just wanted to say yes please they want to book in with me so I'm really grateful she phoned and didn't just think I wasn't interested.

Anyway I checked my account and can not see any communication from her at all. I have checked my deleted and junk folders just in case. What should I do? I don't want to change my e-mail account but I can't afford to miss e-mails from parents or potential customers. Any advice??

I've got to contact my parents later so I might mention that I've been having problems with my e-mail so if they don't get a response from me to text me or call me as I always reply to e-mails within 24 hours.

21-01-2012, 10:43 AM
She may have typed in the wrong address, I use hotmail and never had any problems. :)

21-01-2012, 10:48 AM
I would check she has been using the right email address. I was waiting for an email to come through and it wasn't arriving, despite the person keep sending it. In the end I gave them an alternative address and it came straight through.

They'd forwarded me the original message and I could see they'd made an error when typing in the email address, even though I'd told them to double check the spelling :rolleyes:

Do you have this mum's email address? I would send a message to her and ask her to reply to it by return. That way you could tell if there was a problem, or if it was just a mistake.

blue bear
21-01-2012, 01:06 PM
My dh often puts .com instead if co.uk could it be that?

21-01-2012, 01:10 PM
I use Hotmail a lot and some emails do get lost. AOL is by far the worst they lose around 50% if I am sending an attachment.

I think gmail is one of the better ones but none of them are perfect :rolleyes:

Maybe mum should ring you next time :D

21-01-2012, 05:14 PM
I'm just doing my newsletter now so I will mention that I've missed an e-mail and therefore if they are not getting a response from me to call me. We'd been e-mailing each other so she definitely has my e-mail address and I assumed her computer would store the address automatically in her contacts but I guess she could have typed it herself and made an error.
Just felt so unprofessional and a bit of a div!
Thanks for your help x