View Full Version : CYPOPS

18-01-2012, 04:18 PM
Have seen a lot of posts about CYPOPS, but what is this? Is this another course we have to do?

Have to attend a 3 hour training this evening on the designated person training to help me work out who I can leave my mindees with in case of emergancy, I am sorry but if I dont trust a person with my own children then I will not left my mindees with them, I do think some of these course are a waste of time, maybe thats just my view:blush:

18-01-2012, 04:54 PM
Cypops is a course which is a module of the new Level 3 Diploma Children and Young People's Workforce. It is the course that is done by many newly registering childminders.

I as an experienced cm (17yrs) am currently working on completing the whole Level 3 Diploma.

Are you sure that you have understood the 'designated persons' course. This normally refers to a higher level of Child Protection Training done in settings and not by childminders. It is so a setting has a 'designated' person to who the rest of the staff can refer if the suspect there is a child protection issue.

If it is a training to help you as a cm to set up an Emergency plan then that may be interesting.

I have one and I have 3 people designated as Emergency carers in the case of an extreme emergency. One is currently a reg working Cm the other two are slightly nearer neighbours who have been cms but are no longer but through their current work happen to have current enhanced CRBs.

I have a photo of each of them and their contact details in an Emergency Folder which sits in a sealed envelope on my hall table. It also has a table of which mindees I have each day and for what hours and a photograph of each mindee with the people who normally collect them and a copy of the mindees information sheet so there are contact phone numbers allergies etc.

If there was an accident for example, and I had to go to hospital with a mindee, I could contact one or all of these three and they would come to my house or collect mindees and take them to their house along with the emergency info which they would need to contact the parents to arrange collection.

The parents also have a credit card sizes laminated card with the three carers names and addresses on and I put the sheet with their photos in the parents folder with their contract etc.

You as a cm have to think what you would do with your mindees in different emergency scenarios. You never know when something might happen. 10 years ago I lived in a first floor flat and there was a fire in the flat next door. I had to get mindees and my children out and the safest place for them at that moment was with a trusted neighbor who lived at the other end of the block to me. The Fire people needed me to stay close at hand but the children needed to be removed and be safe and I was able to contact their parents. They thought it was great fun as they watched the air ambulance land in the road outside.

Ofsted are happy for you to designate a suitable person in those kind of extreme circumstance and they do not have to be CRB. However if you can have a plan similar to mine set out in advance then that is even better. Ofsted have loved my idea from the start. I put it in place after the fire because that made me realize how important it was to have some sort of plan in place for the unexpected. Fortunately I have not had to use it since I put it in place but I and my parents know it is there.

So I don't think it sounds as if this course will be a waste of time and it may put your mind at rest as well in terms of what to do in an extreme emergency.

18-01-2012, 09:39 PM

Thanks for reply, Yes I did have the course wrong, it was about the safeguarding and referral if abuse is disclosed or suspected. Did this is my CIS so didnt think it would be covered again.

I have my mum named as someone who can have mindees in a emergancy, which all my parents have signed saying its ok and also the mindees know her well as she lives next door LOL
