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08-01-2012, 07:43 PM
Hi can anyone tell me what the numbers are about in the development matters asssesment sheets, and why there are two or more of the same number for example 22-36 months, psed dispositions and atiitudes 11 - show their characteristics and then 11 self confidence and self esteem - begin to recognise danger. Could understand it if there was one of each number as its easy to see link. Thanks

08-01-2012, 09:39 PM
Hi can anyone tell me what the numbers are about in the development matters asssesment sheets, and why there are two or more of the same number for example 22-36 months, psed dispositions and atiitudes 11 - show their characteristics and then 11 self confidence and self esteem - begin to recognise danger. Could understand it if there was one of each number as its easy to see link. Thanks

I'm not sure if this is what you mean but ill have a go at explaining anyway.

Firstly the EYFS is divided into 6 area. PSE- CLL- PSRN- KUW- PD- CD

Then each are is divided into age categories -the average normal- age that the children are likely to Begin to show the behavior as described in the learning intention, these over lap as a child can begin to show this behavior earlier or later that the actual average age.

Then you have the sub category's for each area which is an overall category that the learning intention links into.
For example in PSE there are
Dispositions and Attitudes
Self- confidence and self- esteem
Making Relationships
Behavior and self control
Self- Care
Sense of community

They are not overly important it just helps to show why you have chosen that learning intention.

So for example:
Observation - Freddie sits with a group of friend's all looking at toys in a sensory basket. Ella passes a bottle filled with green rice to Freddie who laughs and wave's the bottle around Freddie then passes the bottle back to Ella.

When linking it to the eyfs you look for the childs age Birth to 11 months
then you read the intentions and see if any fit what the child has just done.
So you look through PSE, then look through the childs age catogorys birth to 11 months and think oh it fits under making relationships, look through the learning intentions and it fits under 'enjoy the company of others and are sociable from birth'

So i am guessing that the numbers next to the learning intentions are to make linking it in easier so you can just write PSE - Making relationships - 2.