View Full Version : What diet for 2012 ?

Tily Bud
28-12-2011, 06:03 PM
Just wondered if youre like me and want to lose weight in 2012, what diet will you be following and why ?

I cant decide between weight watchers and slimming world x

Weight watchers will probably get me the best weight loss, but slimming world will enable me to lose weight without having to weigh my portions x

Mind you with weight watchers i would be able to have biscuits chocolate etc whereas with slimming world i wouldnt really as they have so many syns x

decisions decisions :panic:

28-12-2011, 06:33 PM
I've done both and I am starting slimming world next week.

I find it easier to cook for the family with slimming world as there's no weighing :)

Hope you decide soon. X

28-12-2011, 06:42 PM
I recommend ww as I dont see it as a diet but as a change of way of life, by weighing the food and pointing it all, it helps u realise what foods are good and what are better for treats etc

I did weight watchers a couple of years ago and lost 4 1/2 stone, i did it all myself online, no meetings at all and for the first few months so exercise at all, I have managed to stay at an ok weight for 16 months now, I am currently about 12lb heavier now than when i was at my lightest but my body has found a weight it likes to stick at naturally (i have put about 4lb on over xmas) so am usually only 8lb heavier than when i was at goal, i dont need to do ww as such anymore, i just be careful what i eat and jog and do exercise dvd etc, it really does work ;) :thumbsup:

The Juggler
29-12-2011, 05:15 PM
if you don't want to weigh food or count calories I recommend gym junkies. you don't even need to do ANY exercise if you don't want as they reckon it's 80% down to nutrition and 20% due to exercise (and you can't out-exercise a bad diet :laughing:)

anyway, if you like veggies, eggs and lean meat, go for it. have a google, I have the plan if you want it.

I eat HUGE portions of my food, small on meat, huge on salads, veggies, eggs, and small on dairy and carbs. Its' soo easy - really. I've been following it for just over a year and continued 60:40 or 70:30 most of the time since I reached goal weight. It means I can pig out or have a naughty weekend when we're entertaining or going out.

As someone else has said, it's not a diet, its a change of lifestyle and eating. I love it and I've never been so healthy - all that spinach and olives and tomatoes :laughing::laughing:

29-12-2011, 09:18 PM
I'm also trying to decide what to do.

I was apparently on a diet for most of last year but in actual fact, am the same weight now as I was a year ago

I find that a low carb diet works for me - but I have to stick to it and that is my problem

I had no success with WW and limited success with Slimming world

A mix of pig2twig and Dukan diet has worked in the past and am thinking of trying that again

I am a good stone and a half above my ideal (in my head) weight but would be happy with being a dress size lower

Am currently a "snug" 14 and would like to be a comfortable 12

I was managing to get to the gym twice a week and once I get back to that in the new year, then intend to add a swim in once a week too!

That is all dependant on me feeling that I am up-to-date with paperwork though