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View Full Version : Complaint from a group of people

julie w
21-12-2011, 10:00 PM
I booked a Christmas party for mindees for today at our local soft play centre. I asked them to put some Christmas music on for the party but was told they'd had some on earlier but was asked to turn it off by some people because they found it offensive. Initially I was angry because I'd booked and paid for a 'Christmas' party and therefore expected some Christmas music. I would not want to offend any religion or belief, but do others have a right to dictate to us. What are your feelings on this.

21-12-2011, 10:10 PM
Some of our local minders have different beliefs and they still do all the christmas crafts with mindees at toddler groups.

I would have been moaning like mad :angry: Or singing my own christmas songs in a VERY loud voice :laughing:

21-12-2011, 10:48 PM
If they find it SO offensive, why can't they just stay at home and let the rest of us get on with celebrating? They just like to wind people up.
Makes you wonder what it was like when the Puritans started up and all 'happiness' was banned. :rolleyes:

I would have been singing carols as well ;) :thumbsup:

21-12-2011, 10:50 PM
They could always bring their own ear plugs :laughing: :laughing:

22-12-2011, 06:39 AM
I think that is disgusting! Sorry I dont to offend anyone but the majority of us bend over backwards to accommadate all race, religions and creeds.

I would have gone to the person who complained and ask them in a polite way exactly what offended her and if she thought it was fair that she was to dictate the music in a PUBLIC soft play area? Would she do to the shopping centre and tell them to change their music? Would she go in a shop and ask them to remove decorations because she found it offensive? What about when she goes to a restrurant and they play Xmas music there... Sorry but what a very silly, nit picky woman!

22-12-2011, 07:02 AM
thats terrible and I would have demended a 50% refund as I would only be getting half the party I asked for
How dare people dictate what music places play,,e I get fed up with music on in shops as I find it hard to concentrate on what I am suppose to be buying but I dont ask them to turn it off.
I am opend minded and quite happy to celebrate other relgious festivals and we are suppose to be a country that accepts other religions so therefore they need to accept other festivals and celebrations too,, I think this woman was being quite racist by not allowing your children to properly celebrate their festivial.

22-12-2011, 07:08 AM
Or the staff were being very miserable and didnt want to listen to anymore christmas songs and used the jehovah witnesses as a good excuse.

22-12-2011, 08:56 AM
You were being discriminated against, complain , it was a public place not a centre for one group of people, were you told beforehand there were rules and regulations to follow as regards your enjoyment.

22-12-2011, 09:39 AM
i find that rather hard to believe - not what you are saying but what you have been told.

IF its true then is paper selling media fodder, however i suspect that its probably just miserable staff. Many other religious groups I know - obviously they don't celebrate Christmas however I have never heard of them being that intolerant and arrogant thinking they can dictate what happens in a public place. It doesn't serve their 'image' well at all.

I would write and complain to the management and ask for a partial refund as you did not get the whole shebang of a Christmas party - a large proportion of a Christmas party is Christmas music.

The Juggler
22-12-2011, 09:51 AM
thats terrible and I would have demended a 50% refund as I would only be getting half the party I asked for
How dare people dictate what music places play,,e I get fed up with music on in shops as I find it hard to concentrate on what I am suppose to be buying but I dont ask them to turn it off.
I am opend minded and quite happy to celebrate other relgious festivals and we are suppose to be a country that accepts other religions so therefore they need to accept other festivals and celebrations too,, I think this woman was being quite racist by not allowing your children to properly celebrate their festivial.

me too :thumbsup:

22-12-2011, 09:58 AM
I also think you should complain to the soft play center as this is about the staff because even if it is true that another group of people had asked for the music to stop - it is the centre staff who should have told them either sorry we can't as it is centre policy to play Christmas music at Christmas parties or - we can turn it off until (time your party started) but it will then go back on as we have a party booking

Penny :)

22-12-2011, 11:11 AM
That is disgusting, I am quite offended that you were not allowed your Christmas Music, surely that is discrimination about your beliefs, where does it stop? All my parents know what my beliefs are and that we go to Christian toddler groups, only one that has Bible stories etc but that is what it is designed for, it is much smaller than the other groups but it has really helped some children come out of themselves that would struggle at the bigger toddler groups. one family chooses to send their child after this toddler group, but was very happy for the Christmas Card of a Christmas tree on their son did! It is so hard.

22-12-2011, 11:38 AM
I would send a letter of complaint and go to local papers, that is unbeleivable:angry:

22-12-2011, 01:42 PM
To play devils advocate for a moment:

It's only discrimination if you are a practising Christian, and playing Christian music (i.e hymns), for a specifically Christian party. If you aren't a practising Christian and it's just the kind of christmas songs you get on the radio (e.g slade and wizzard etc), then there is no discrimination.

I would certainly complain to the manager of the play centre, because you booked a themed party, and they didn't really provide one, but I wouldn't go the anyone else because annoying as it is, there really isn't much to complain about.

22-12-2011, 02:05 PM
According to our local minders who have different beliefs they dont do christmas because it is not the time when Jesus was born.

The romans just plonked in on the 25th dec because it fitted in with one of their festivals.

They say that if jesus was 34.5 when he died at easter then it makes the time he was born end of september start of october. They do not object to our christmas parties and can be see sprinkling glitter along with the best of us. :thumbsup: