View Full Version : Help with monthly payment system

16-12-2011, 08:25 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new here but could do with some help.

Rather than invoicing monthly I work out my parents payments for the whole year then spread them across 12 months. This helps bring down the monthly cost for parents but also means I get an income during holidays.

The problem arises when an agreement changes or ends within 12 months and I may end up owing the family money back or they may owe me.

Now I'm in a bit of a pickle.

This year I had a couple of weeks off sick and repaid everyone the actual amount of the sessions missed. This was done either by cash or by reducing their childcare vouchers for that month.

I'm currently in the process of changing a payment plan for one of my parents and can't get my head around the sums. They seem to add up two ways and the inconsistent number is the same as the amount I repaid.

Does anyone else use this system and if so would you mind helping me if I mail you directly. I'm really stuck!!!

Thanks in advance, Stinny.

Chatterbox Childcare
19-12-2011, 09:44 PM
I would work out the amount you were owed from the start of the new system to date, then deduct all payments made and refunds given. The amount left is what is still to be paid/repaid.

PM me the details if you want and I will happily run my eye over them

20-12-2011, 09:03 AM
I invoice monthly the actual amount for that month but I do have a parent who pays by vouchers every month the same amount. I email her an invoice for the actual amount, then I give her a receipt for the amount paid taking off the amount owed this leaves either a credit or debit. Then the next months invoice shows the actual amount outstanding (or any overpayment) plus that months chidcare. So although the actual amount is the same each month we do know exactly how much is owed/paid. If the amount owed to me builds up she gives me the odd cheque to even it up and the other way around if I think I am owing them too much then I balance it out a bit, it works for us.

If that makes any sense at all :thumbsup: