View Full Version : has anyone any experience of

12-12-2011, 04:07 PM
retainers for teenage girls?? my daughter has been given these retainers for her top teeth( they stick out a bit) the retainers pull her bottom jaw forward and the top back, she dribbles and can just about speak! she has refused to wear them, which i can understand, she is fifteen. Have any of you lovely people had any experience with this? I am not really that confident with dentists and they have now said that for the retainers to fit better they will take out 4 healthy teeth!!! is that the norm?? can i just take her elsewhere and start again?? sorry going on a bit!..

12-12-2011, 04:14 PM
Hi my dd had a impacted tooth(k9) and had to have it removed at the hospital, she then had to have a brace for nearly 2 yrs all because of this missing tooth! and now has retainers, they were for day use and now are night time only, she has found them ok, why doesnt your dd like them? x

12-12-2011, 04:19 PM
They take a little getting used to tbh , but if she perseveres the results will be worth it. I remember having a dreadful lisp and slavering - but only briefly. Its quite normal to have to remove teeth , ds had to , as the problem is generally overcrowding.

Im afraid your dd will have to decide whether a week or 2 of discomfort is worth it to have lovely straight teeth. Maybe she could start wearing them over the xmas holiday to save being embarrased at school - and by the time she goes back she should be used to them and speaking / salivating normally.

12-12-2011, 05:50 PM
Hi, Thanks for replies. my daughter doesnt like them because they bring her bottom jaw out, it is hard to explain but her lower jaw is then forward of her top jaw, if you see what i mean, changes the whole shape of her face, she will have to wear them for 18 months all the time and then have braces! I wish I had a dentist as a friend!!

karen m
12-12-2011, 06:29 PM
my daughter had braces for a couple years then retainers eventually these went to night use only ,my daughter now has fab teeth,she had hers when she was 14,my other daughter is saving to pay for a brace she 22 and her teeth were fine when younger but las18 month started to twist but is happy to wear as better in long run

12-12-2011, 06:33 PM
My son HATED his but perserved for 18 months before they put the braces on.
They made him dribble, couldn't speak properly, couldn't eat with them in, made his jaw(s) ache

encourage her to persevere it will make having braces a lot easier and the more time she spends with them in the better they will feel