View Full Version : she fell off again!

26-11-2011, 04:30 PM
my poor daughter fell of the horse at riding again today just as she was regaining her confidence:(
about 3 weeks ago her horse bolted at the jump, sped round the arena and she couldnt hold on and flew off in to the barrier wall,, she was ok but very shook up and had a badly bruised hip,, she just started to feel comfotable jumping again when today , not sure why or how, but off she came again, this time she landed on her bum and has jared her back and bumped her shoulder, she did get back on and jump again and this time came way laughing and not crying like last time so thats good I suppose.
and I couldnt belive this happend today cause last night I actutaly dreamt she would fall off!!!

26-11-2011, 04:40 PM
Ouch! I hope she's not too sore later xx

christine e
26-11-2011, 04:43 PM
I was once watching my daughter jumping when I commented to another mum that she had never fallen off - big mistake - she immediately fell off and the horse rolled onto her - broke her wrist - a few broken teeth and a horrid cut under her chin. She did get back on a few days later even though she had a pot on her arm:laughing:


26-11-2011, 06:54 PM
I was once watching my daughter jumping when I commented to another mum that she had never fallen off - big mistake - she immediately fell off and the horse rolled onto her - broke her wrist - a few broken teeth and a horrid cut under her chin. She did get back on a few days later even though she had a pot on her arm:laughing:


oh my goodness:eek: , she must have been very brave!

26-11-2011, 08:25 PM
Hope she is not to sore.

I have a horse and have fallen off a few times and I think you don't bounce as well the older you get hence my DH has brought me a point 2 Air jacket

27-11-2011, 02:21 PM
my daughter is 13yrs,, she has a back protector and I think its that that dug in to her back when she hit the ground and has left her with a big bruise but better that than a broken back. shes very saw today but mangaged a trip to the zoo so she cant be that bad.

27-11-2011, 02:44 PM
Awwww I remember I was at a riding school holiday for a week. In the middle of the area there was a grassed mound and the horse I wsa riding was unavailable so i had to ride this nutty horse, she bolted off with me then aimed for the mound stopped dead and I ended up rolling over her neck on the mound my face near her munching mouth.. I was laughing and crying at the same time.

I miss riding soooo much, but I have become sooo allergic :(

The Juggler
27-11-2011, 02:47 PM
hope her back is better soon hon.

29-11-2011, 10:52 PM
I was always told the more you fall off the better the rider you'll become, so as long as she's getting back on, she's going to be a really good rider!

If she's laughing after a fall she's got her confidence back alright.

Most painful fall I ever had was when the horse stopped in mid gallop, I didn't and I went head first into a dry stone wall. Mild concussion, off games at school for a week, thank god for helmets!