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View Full Version : Parent not turning up

24-11-2011, 09:46 AM
So I wrote a thread last week about a really strange phonecall.

Basically I found out she meant my friend Kerry not Tracey gave her my number, she did confirm this lol.

She's been over here for a while studying at the hospital and her children came over to England two weeks ago so they are waiting a school palcement at the moment, she came over monday morning and signed a contract. Monday to Friday 9 - 4.

I said i require payment in advance or I have no option but to turn her away, she paid me for the day on monday and said she'll give me the rest of the money for the week tomorrow, I said that is fine but if she turns up the next day with no money again I will have no choice but to turn her away.

she hasn't turned up since, what do I do now?I was going to send her an invoice for the week and give her 7 or 14 days to pay and then try and seek legal advice taking her to a small claims court or something like that.

Should I do this? If yes can someone help me write a professional but non aggressive letter stating that she still has to pay x amount of money to me as i am a business not a 14 year old babysitter.

24-11-2011, 10:09 AM
Have you actually had the children at all and is there a settling in period written in to your contract?

24-11-2011, 10:21 AM
I had them on Monday, then she didn't turn up, won't answer my texts or phonecalls, and no settling in period

Nope, it was an emergency one week cover as they've only just come over to England and they start school next week so so only needed childcare for this week.

The Juggler
24-11-2011, 10:22 AM
to be honest unless you turned other parents away I would write it up to experience and if she comes back tell her never to darken your door again.:panic:

24-11-2011, 10:26 AM
I did turn away others, I had someone ask me for three days for a child 11 months old all day and I said I couldn't because I had two children who didn't speak English and therefore I couldn't give the baby the attention and care he needs because I will be helping the other children not to feel scared and confused.

candy cat
24-11-2011, 10:26 AM
I would write it off.....You worked the Monday and got paid ....I think you have had a lucky escape!:)

24-11-2011, 11:37 AM
I did turn away others, I had someone ask me for three days for a child 11 months old all day and I said I couldn't because I had two children who didn't speak English and therefore I couldn't give the baby the attention and care he needs because I will be helping the other children not to feel scared and confused.

I think you'll just have to write it off and be happy that you at least got paid for the day you did work.
Is it too late to get in touch with the parents of the baby, or was that just for one off care as well?

24-11-2011, 11:45 AM
I think you have to chalk it up to experience - at least you got paid for what you actually worked.

If you have the phone number I would get back in touch with the baby's parents and see if they are still interested now things have changed.

Miffy xx

24-11-2011, 11:50 AM
I did turn away others, I had someone ask me for three days for a child 11 months old all day and I said I couldn't because I had two children who didn't speak English and therefore I couldn't give the baby the attention and care he needs because I will be helping the other children not to feel scared and confused.

Oh dear, sounds as if she needed your number and details to claim with. I would write to this lady and explain that care is no longer available as she has broken her Contract and that you will be informing her work place that the contract has ended just in case she may have been offered help with childcare if she used a registered child carer and now she has shown them your contract is using a friend.

I would contact the other family and offer them the space if they still want it.

I never let a parent take a contract away with them and I make it clear I won't sign it until I have 4 weeks fees paid and clear in my bank account so until that happens there is no Contract.

I have had my fingers burned too often. I keep this Deposit until the end of the contract and if all fees are and have been paid up to date it is used to pay the four weeks notice. I had one too many parents leave and not pay the notice period. They then pay me in advance.

24-11-2011, 06:09 PM
She didn't ask for a copy of the contract, just signed it and away she went to work.

They only wanted childcare this week tuesday and wednesday and this afternoon :( I've left them a message to say that if they are looking for more permanant care I am still available.

Makes me feel like packing it in to be honest, but still going to stick at it. What because we don't work in a fancy corperate office and wear suits we're not a business therefore shouldn't be treated as one?!

24-11-2011, 06:26 PM
Don't get downhearted this kind of parent is thankfully few and far between. Most parents are lovely considerate parents.

I would seriously consider if you want this one though even if she does come back.. I think I would move on.

25-11-2011, 04:33 PM
Well she has just rang, saying that she's not paying me any money because I let my dogs near her children and I didn't care for her children because of my dogs. She also claimed she said to me not to let my dogs near them

I would NEVER agree to this, and she said she's going to make a formal complaint about my dogs being near her children. I said that is fine, gave her contact details to make a complaint, phone number and address.

I've lost out on £200 this week and it's a ****** lot of money to lose out on (by turning down work for her) when we've had to go without food to make sure the kids are fed cos we're on a £40 a week shopping budget!

25-11-2011, 06:54 PM
Lol another text

Now she said she confirms she will ring Ofsted and complain about me because I am a careless provider who lets dogs near the children in my care

(One of my dogs by the way has just achieved his gold in the KC good citizen scheme, and the other is on his silver medal at 5 months old!)

OH and she's also complaining because my house is untidy.

25-11-2011, 07:15 PM
OH and she's also complaining because my house is untidy.

Well good job she doesnt come to mine as theres always toys about the place lol.

Sounds like she using every excuse on the books to wiggle out of paying. Try not to let it get to you but just incase I would document everything and make sure your paperwork is up to date incase ofsted come knocking?

You could also pre-empt her call and phone ofsted yourself to make them aware of her? As long as you have risk assessed your dogs and no harm came to any children I don't see there being a problem??
