View Full Version : Children walking home from school on own

21-11-2011, 08:30 PM

I've been approached to look after a 7yr old and 11yr old who will be walking from school to my house on their own.

But I won't be there for 10 minutes after they get to my house (I'll be collecting children from different school) and their mum said it's ok for them to wait outside for this time.

I have an independent arrival policy but how do I cover myself whilst they're waiting in my front garden plus make sure they're safe?????


Sweetpea x

21-11-2011, 08:49 PM
how do I cover myself whilst they're waiting in my front garden plus make sure they're safe?????


Sweetpea x

I'm not sure you can since you won't be there.

I'd speak to your insurance company before you agree to anything to see if you will be covered.

Miffy xx

22-11-2011, 06:41 PM
I wouldn't be happy with this one. The children are likely to hang around doing things they shouldn't be doing or kick their heels on the journey if they know you are not waiting for them.

I'm not sure about the 7 year old either. 11 is fine most high schoolers walk by themselves but not 7 even with an 11 year old if something went wrong there would be very serious repercussions.

Hth :D

22-11-2011, 07:09 PM
Only when my mindees get to 11 do i introduce my independent arrival policy, even with an older sibling i wouldn't trust a 7 year old. Sorry i know that probably isn't what you want to hear :( xx

22-11-2011, 07:41 PM
I wouldnt be happy about this one.If you arent going to be there for 10minutes then i dont think its a good thing for them to be hanging around in the dark? and all weathers.
The 11 year would have the responsibility for the 7 year old and i dont think thats fair.Could understand if it was a 5 minute walk and you would be there to meet them but not to walk back and then have to wait.

23-11-2011, 09:29 AM
Thanks for the advice, you backed up my own thoughts

I'm going to talk to the Mum again and say I'm not happy about them being on their own during this time and being in my garden condones it.

Will keep you posted x

23-11-2011, 09:50 AM
No I wouldn't take them on unless I was at home for they arrival time.

27-11-2011, 07:56 PM
Spoke to mum and as they live a couple of doors away, they will stay at home for the 10mins (with 14yr old daughter) and I'll ring them when I get home so they can then come to mine.

I know it's not ideal but it's better than them waiting outside my house

Sweetpea x