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View Full Version : recomendations wanted please

11-11-2011, 07:48 AM
I am toying with purchasing a new pushchair and have narrowed the choice down but cant decide, so............i like the mamas & paps switch but reviews dont read good i also have looked at a loola and finally i like the silver cross 3d but it doesnt face parent. has anyone got any of these and are they any good. i need something that folds small but i also want to put buggy board onto it so it needs to be strong! thanks x sarah

11-11-2011, 08:15 AM
When we had our DD 3yrs ago we brought a loola and I do love it but there are definate flaws to it! I love that it faces both ways, that it had a carrycot and that the car seat attached to it without needing the pushchair bit as well. However the basket is non-existant and almost impossible to get to! It is big and heavy and can be difficult to steer. And it has funny shaped metal bits so only official bebeconfort parasols etc can be attached to it!

Mind you, despite this I would use my loola again if I ever have another one. For minding though I do use a lightweight stroller as I dont have any tiny babies!