View Full Version : rhubarb, Ivy Blubells and daffodils????

10-11-2011, 11:39 AM
I am in the middle of risk assessing my garden, i have a few trees that over hang my garden ( neighbour cut down major overhanging branches) have found out they are sycamour and hawthorn, which is OK. But I have Ivy Rhubbarb, bluebells and daffodils in the garden, which can be poisonous or cause skin reactions, I dont want to have to pull these up.

I know the daffodils it is the bulbs that are the issues, and ivy it is because it can be a skin irritant, and the rhubbarb it is the leaves, but we grow this and use it for making crumbles etc.

I am just nto sure hw to risk assess them or how to contain them in my garden, do i need to fence any of them off, or would supervision of the children when outdoors be OK. I want my house to be as much as a home as possible even when minidng.

Any help would be appreciated ??

10-11-2011, 11:53 AM
Hi, I was surprised how many plants are a potential risk like privet that surrounds my garden and i am not digging that up!! i have just stated in my risk assessment that children will be supervised in the garden and discourage from picking plants unless told that it is ok to do so.. it is difficult because we eat plants and it can be confusing. it is to me really a case of how much supervision kids need in the garden.. hope that helps a bit!

10-11-2011, 11:59 AM
Thanks for the reply, my 2 year old, knows she can pick strawberries and blackberries, but does not mess with anything else, as i have taught her not to,so I suppose thats what i will have to put down, beause other wise my garden will end up looking like a maze with all the bits I would have to box off - the kids would love it though :laughing: