View Full Version : First Parent Mtg / Fees / Charges

09-11-2011, 02:07 PM
Hi everyone,

I have posted here once or twice in the past and I was just wondering if anybody has any advice on the above topic please!:panic:

I have my first parent coming to visit on Thursday and i'm just wondering how much information should I be giving her?

I wanted to give her some information to take away as even though its an informal chat some things might not sink in and its nice to have something to take away and read later, so I have my CV (really informal just a brief outline of my career history and how that relates to childminding) a prospectus of my setting. Also I thought she could look at my folder of what its like for a child here with photos in?

I have decided to charge £4 per hour (I live in Manchester) and my full day being from 8am - 6pm.

This lady would like 9.30am - 4pm, which I explained on the phone to her that I would still charge for a full day (as it is taking a full time place). Do you think this is normal/fair practice?

I plan to charge for the parents holidays but not for my own and normal charges apply for bank holidays too. I thought I would add £5 per hour extra for every 15 minutes late collection and also £5 per day for late payment, again is this considered normal practice / fair?

One thing I am not sure about is how to commence the contract, is it normal to ask for payment to be made in advance or to ask for a deposit? I wasnt so sure about asking for a deposit as I know it can be difficult sometimes.

Anyway, sooooo many questions I really would appreciate any help :blush:

09-11-2011, 05:55 PM
Hi :),
I think what you are planning to show parents is lovely :thumbsup:

I assume the amount/hour is based on your local charges so also I would probably go with that if I could make the figure work for me.

Personally I wouldn't charge a day rate as I think some parents would take advantage and not turn up on time, thinking "I'm paying for a whole day, why not use it?". With this particular contract I'd be happy with the 4 pm finish and also see that I'd have an 'extra' before school place I could sell if the right enquiry came along... I do have a 6 hours a day minimum, which I sometimes enforce, depending on circumstances etc

My 'late' charge is an instant £6 late (or early!) fee, plus double the hourly rate, charged in minimum half hour blocks. On my fees and charges policy I give the example of being 10 minutes late - £6 + £3.75 = £9.75 !! that generally puts them off, lol, but I also make allowances for the first week while parents are trying to time journeys etc and have been known to itemise it on the invoice with a 'not charged on this occasion' note next to it, just so they know its a one off. Whether I do this will depend on how it inconvenienced me (or not) and whether parent was apologetic/ had a very good reason or has no concern for how it affected me etc

I do ask for a 4 week deposit in advance. I take this at the time I complete contracts with parents and it goes toward the first 4 weeks fees if they take up the place. If they cancel for any reason i keep the deposit. If I cannot proceed with the contract for any reason I will refund. I don't have a settling in period with most contracts, but offer settling in 'sessions' before the start date if wanted/needed. I would prefer to keep the deposit against the final months fees but find that parents around here are unable or reluctant to pay it so do the above instead. I write on all contracts that all payments must be made in advance of care, so I am within my rights to refuse to accept the child for childcare without cleared payment! if parents seem horrified at mention of deposit, depending how soon they would like to start etc, I investigate their reasons and may offer weekly in advance payments for a temporary period whilst they sort out tax credits etc

I charge for their hols but not mine but not for bank holidays as i don't want to work them :D.

as for what is normal/fair, that depends on how you feel and what those around you are charging. I charge according to my conscience - holidays etc, I don't feel right charging for my hols as i'm not available - and according to what I am prepared to work for, minimum. I had a situation where I only had one before/after school mindee for ages and if I'd charged any less than my hourly rate I'd have probably given up!! though it was a bit steep for this area at the time :cool:

Weel I hope i've tackled all your questions and you've managed to stay awake.

Go with your gut but make sure you write clearly what your terms for charging/deposits etc are on the contract. That's what counts if there's any confusion or problems with payment :thumbsup:

Good luck :)

wendy :)

10-11-2011, 02:14 PM
Hi there,

Many thanks for replying your post really helped me out. I feel a little bit better about what i'm charging and it being okay.

Unfortunately the parent has cancelled the meeting today, I text this morning to ask if all was okay to meet and she has only just got back to me to say she was poorly, but would like to arrange a meet up next week instead :rolleyes:

I have read on the forum that this happens alot thats why I just text this morning to check :)

I think I just obviously need to be more organised in the future and at least now I know that I need to get my stuff together in advance of parents calling not just at the last minute :blush: xxxxxxxxx

10-11-2011, 06:24 PM
you're welcome :)

It does happen fairly often, but you never know, maybe the parentreally will turn up next week ...and if not, at least you'll have thought through things a bit more so be better prepared for the next parent enquiry :thumbsup:

It's definitely a learning curve: I'm always fine tuning things with this business, there's no way you can anticipate every possible circumstance. The most important thing to remember is to give yourself time to think about any new information and go with your gut feeling. I've agreed to things on the spur of the moment and ignored my instincts a few times. I'm much more careful now :D

hope the right enquiries come along for you soon :thumbsup:

take care,
Wendy :)

11-11-2011, 11:33 PM
I have put together a very long fees document which covers everything. That way I have it all covered and parents know exactly what is involved and can work out what things would actually cost them. I did this as I would like it as a parent rather than finding things out a bit at a time. I give the document with a prospectus on first meeting to take away. Although parents obviously are looking for someone they can click with, trust etc money is also a big issue for most and I think it is important for us to be very clear about what costs are and what is covered etc.

My fees document includes -
hourly rate and times open
rate outside of these hours
late fee - price per day until paid invoice
retainer fees and when these may be charged for example pre school hours in day needed in school holidays
bank holidays - closed for me so no charge
holidays - 4 weeks chosen by me no fee
extra holidays they may want - full fee
registration fee (I prefer the wording to deposit) - price, when it should be paid and what it is for
what the fee includes/doesn't include - eg I proivde food but not infant milk or nappies
outings - "usual" trips such as toddler groups included in fee but extra trips to be discussed and agreed in advance and charged extra for
section about ad hoc hours - how much per hour etc

I also have a form that I fill in alongside contracts that states payment dates, how they will be invoiced - I like to be paid monthly in advance by the first of the month and issue invoices 1 week before they are due, however i will discuss needs with parents and it will be agreed and written on this document and I photcopy for each of us too.

Gosh I sound like a really hard woman! i have done this as I don't want to be messed around, i want to be professional and as i hate dealing with money i would rather it all be discussed from day 1 and not be caught with a question I haven't thought about!