04-11-2011, 09:26 AM
Morning Everyone

Dull,damp and miserable here but it's mild,who cares about the weather when it's FRIDAY today :clapping: :clapping:

So what are your plans for the day are you busy beavers?

Have a great day everyone

Angel xxxx

Chimps Childminding
04-11-2011, 09:32 AM
Morning Angel!! Bit damp looking here too, but the sun is TRYING to come out!!! Day off today so popping into town this morning, then off to see mum in the nursing home this afternoon!!!

Hope you have a good day!!

Take Care xx

04-11-2011, 09:33 AM
Woopedooo! I don't work Fridays so to me I suppose it is Saturday today, Angel. :D

It started badly as my 14 year old realised he was having a migraine. He was about to leave for college which he loves when the patterns appeared. Medicine and bed. I suffer them too sometimes, it is so horrible. :(

We caught it early though so hopefully he will recover quickly and may even make the afternoon at college.

This evening it's 12 year old's birthday party with friends, going to Nando's (yum!) and Johnny English.

Have a Fabulous Friday, ladies and gentlemen!


04-11-2011, 09:34 AM
Good Morning Angel,

Its quite bright here this morning. Just me and dd this morning for the first time in ages so were playing and snuggling.

Have a good day everyone.


04-11-2011, 09:36 AM
Yay. :clapping: its Friday

Busy today though 3 under 2 and a 2yr old do hard work Friday for me

04-11-2011, 09:40 AM

Took me 40 mins to get my 3 year old out of bed this morning bless her.

Been on 3 school runs already and just having a cuppa and having a look on here before my mindee comes at 10:00.

Hope you all have a nice day and stay safe tomorrow for bonfire night

04-11-2011, 09:44 AM
Morning all :clapping:

not too bad here now the rain has stopped, school runs done so off to the library then a bit a baking, early finish today so weekend starts at 5pm, off out for a meal tonight. :)

Have a great day and a fab weekend everyone. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

04-11-2011, 09:58 AM
we were supposed to be going to another minders to play today but got woken up at 5am by other half to tell me the roof was leaking in our conservatory so now have to wait for them to come and fix it, typicaly now the sun is shinging and the rain has stopped so he wont be able to see where the leak is comming from anyway!
kids are being good though,, they are not fussed about not having the play room, we have made a birthday card for one childs mum and the other child practised sissor skills so not been a total wast of a day.

04-11-2011, 10:35 AM

Friday woop!

I am meant to be finishing off sorting my bedroom out but have somehow found my way on to here/ FB and ebay oops! Must get back to it....

Once thats done I am going to take photos of my toys to make some labels to laminate for the boxes.
Then out with some old school friends tonight :clapping: