View Full Version : dhc unit 2 cache assignment help

27-10-2011, 05:17 PM
I am on the very last part of my final assignment. The Question is,
Evaluate the impact of recent and relevant research on children's rights in relation to practice.

Ok I know I need to write advantages and disadvantages of the united nations convention on rights of the child, and also the childrens act 2004. What does in relation to practice mean? Is it to do with us as childminders or childcarers generally?

Any other help would be appreciated. I really want to get this done by the weekend.
Thanks x

28-10-2011, 08:35 AM
If its for the dhc then i think you can stick with childminding , for the diploma it would need to encompass other childcare professionals.

I would try and link the legislation to the eyfs which says how we should practice..for example as a result of Uncrc which says the child has a right to be free from harm..... the eyfs states that all setting will have a safeguarding policy. In practice we as childminders need to attend regular training on the area , provide parents with a copy of the policy relating to safeguarding , and follow procedures specified to ensure our responsibility is maintained within legal guidelines..

Does that help?