View Full Version : 1 or 2 contracts???

amy douglas
27-10-2011, 02:44 PM
hi, ive had a set of parents round for a meeting today, just waiting to hear from them about their decision as whether they want me or not. they have a 22 month old and a 6 yr old. do i need to do a separate contract for each child or can i use the same one to save on paper and time. im doing a set day rate for having both children. also, do you think it would be ok to having both childrens names on the permission forms so the parents only have to sign once rather than doing twice the amount of paperwork that will be exactly the same. im thinking of time and trying to save paper. can anyone help???!

jumping j
27-10-2011, 02:51 PM
I'm sure on one of the courses I've been on we were told that we had to have one contract per child, something about seperate information for each child! I know what you mean about trying to save on paper work tho, every parent I'v had has commented on the amount they have to fill in!

27-10-2011, 04:32 PM
I've always had separate paperwork for siblings, even permissions and policies. It's a waste of paper, but Mrs O said that I was doing the correct thing.

Louise B
27-10-2011, 04:43 PM
I've got permission slips that say "Child/children's name/s" so I can cover more than one child. On the contract side, you do need one per child. This was highlighted for me when I had siblings, one of which was stealing from me and I had to end her contract. The other child hadn't done anything wrong and was still entitled to stay, as I had no reason to give notice. I rang the legal section of NCMA and they said always have a separate contract for each child. x

amy douglas
27-10-2011, 04:49 PM
thats great thanks for all your replies you have been very helpful. im still new at all this, im sure i'll get used to all the paperwork eventually-maybe after a few years hehe.

27-10-2011, 04:50 PM
On the Morton Michel contracts you can have 2 children so I dont see why you cant to that.
Ive taken on a sibling group today did 1 contract but everything else we did 2 of.

Chatterbox Childcare
27-10-2011, 04:56 PM
I always do one each as we were told to treat every child as unique plus if there are any disputes payment for 1 child shouldn't be held up if there was discussions about the other

27-10-2011, 05:03 PM
I've always done separate contracts (and all other paperwork) for siblings - it's less complicated when, say the older one goes to school and the hours reduce then you only need to do one new contract.

Miffy xx

27-10-2011, 07:55 PM
i do individual contracts, record forms, permission slips, but only one copy/signed for policies!

when i saw one family to sign contracts, dad filled in for one child, mum filled in for the other and then both signed. they laughed and said if they had a third child they would have had to get grandma to come over and fill out forms!

27-10-2011, 09:50 PM
i do individual contracts, record forms, permission slips, but only one copy/signed for policies!

when i saw one family to sign contracts, dad filled in for one child, mum filled in for the other and then both signed. they laughed and said if they had a third child they would have had to get grandma to come over and fill out forms!

This is what i do:thumbsup: