View Full Version : having an anxious planning moment...

26-10-2011, 01:13 PM
Hi all,
I just want to run this past everyone as I am about to become accredited and want to check I'm doing my planning right.
I currently have a monthly mind map style plan for each child with each area of the EYFS and possible activities that fulfil their interests and the areas that require more practice/support. I highlight and date when each activity has been completed and add a little note and hopefully a picture into their learning journeys. I also add information about any extra activities we do into their learning journeys. I'm intending to add a section on these plans for next steps which will then lead into the next month's plan.
I also have a plan for a theme, very similar mind map style with each area and ideas for activities we could do. This is very loose though and I don't necessarily aim to do everything, its more for ideas if we have a lull.
I don't do a weekly plan, but we do have a day-to-day routine type chart with arrivals, snacks, groups, meals, etc written on it.
Does this sound right? Do I need to plan any further than this?
What about for older children? My current eldest is two, and so I just go by their interests and kind of wing it. There is lots of free play, or play that I join and let them lead. I really like this way of working, but is it sufficient as children reach three and four? I'm thinking it should be, as long as I extend activities to ensure they have the chances to meet each criteria on the EYFS, but could someone clever just tell me if I'm right about that?
Thanks so much!

27-10-2011, 10:19 PM
Hi, I think if you are happy with the planning and can show Ofsted how it works for you and ensures the children cover the E.Y.F.S. then it should be o.k.

28-10-2011, 07:29 AM
Every area has different requirements for accreditation... however from a planning point of view I think if you are planning to their individual needs, you have a routine for each of them shared with parents and you have an overall theme / topic / idea of what they are doing through the week then you are certainly doing enough for Eyfs.

Hth :D

28-10-2011, 07:43 AM
Sounds good. Next steps will be an important part of your planning, so do make sure you include this.

28-10-2011, 06:45 PM
Thanks for your replies. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing! Feel less worried now. :)