25-10-2011, 05:35 AM
Morning Everyone

Hope everyone is ok

Not sure what the weather is doing at the moment, its pitch black outside ha ha it was lovely yesterday though so hopefully will be the same

We are making cakes and cookies for our party so a busy day for us

What are you doing today are you enjoying the half term?

Have a great day everyone

Angel xxx

25-10-2011, 05:55 AM
Morning , just had first mindee through the door , got another 8 to come yet !
:eek: school holidays are always like this for me , and with 3 of my own here aswel not sure how I cope lol with a huge sense of humour I guess and 2 assistants
Hoping it dosnt rain as is like to go out somewhere this morning

christine e
25-10-2011, 06:12 AM
Morning Angel

Only got one today.

yesterday we were out in the lovely sunshine at a country park for a play, picnic and finished off collecting chestnuts

today we are holding a h'ween party at childminders group

have a good day everyone


25-10-2011, 06:28 AM
I've got 2 today on top of my 3 and like you its too dark to tell what will happen with the weather BUT the forcast is for no rain until tomorrow here so I think we may be at the Farm we want to go to

25-10-2011, 06:42 AM
Morning all, think it's rained all night so hoping that's the end as we're off to the farm. Have 1 mindee all day and meeting sil and her 2 as the farm are doing Halloween activities. Think it'll be wellies and raincoats. Luckily there's an indoors where we can eat as we're taking a picnic.
Tonight is slimming world, lost motivation at the moment and weight is slowly creeping back on, need to get back on track.

Am off the rest of the week but dp is home now so have swimming and ice skating planned this week as well as a couple of Halloween parties.

Have a good day and hope it stays dry for everyone.

25-10-2011, 06:44 AM

Its chucking it down here and blowing a gale so will be fun on the school run this morning.

Nothing planned as yet for today, only got 2 wee ones and then 2 afterschoolers plus my 2 so not too bad a day for me.

Just hope the rain calms down a bit by 8am for the school run

25-10-2011, 06:44 AM
Morning Everyone

It's a full house here today with everyone back from holiday and I've got Early Years coming for their yearly visit, something I could do without today.

We are starting our Halloween crafts today as everyone is here

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

25-10-2011, 07:39 AM
We're making pumpkin play dough, sticking the eyes on our ghosts that we made yesterday and eating pumpkin and apple muffins that we made at the weekend.

25-10-2011, 07:43 AM
morning, back to work today after a long weekend away at Butlins :)
just have the one today , A shes 9 and no bother at all, Amy and A are just watching a dvd as it was cold damp and dark when A arrived at 8am, have made no plans for today at all how bad am i??? were just playing it by ear xxx

25-10-2011, 07:44 AM
well we had planned to go swimming this morning but mindee has had 2 awful nappies since he got here half an hour ago - so no swimming for us! Probably the country park instead , there are enormous leaves to collect for painting and sticking.
Have a good day everyone x

25-10-2011, 07:51 AM
Hi ladies, just thought i would introduce myself :)

its great hearing what you more experienced childminders are all doing! Only got registered last thur, so i'll be spending the day getting my head around the dreaded paperwork, and trying to absorb as much info from this website as possible!

25-10-2011, 08:31 AM

I've got this week off :clapping:
Today I'm having my nails and my hair done, my DD is coming over with my GD's for a visit and then I'm off to Lakeside with my sister for shopping and a meal tonight.
Tomorrow I have my other sister coming for a visit, I've not seen her since Xmas so that will be nice.
Thursday we are out to lunch and then the cinema.
Friday we are off to London for an open top bus tour, a spot of shopping and tea at Harrods.

I'll be glad to get back to work next week for a rest :D

Have a great week everyone :thumbsup:

25-10-2011, 08:55 AM
Good Morning

I also have the week off - not that you would notice!

GS3 here and has the place in a mess!

I have been up since 3:30 am and have printed and laminated some resources and updated the noticeboard. Reply to some childminding emails and of course been on the forum.

Oh well - at least no nappies to deal with :D

Penny :)

25-10-2011, 09:04 AM
good morning everyone. well im bored i should be working only have one little today was up at 5.30 normally get up at 6 got ready saw son off to work little one should of arrived at 7.30 but still no show at 10 o'clock did get a text at 8am to say she had left him in bed and at home with bf and he would be dropping off when he was up and ready dont help me thou . had loads planned was going to sure start this morning then out for lunch with lo and off to pick a new kitchen. gonna be a long day really want to go shopping now and get few bits as im that bored but cant go out as hes not here ...:(