View Full Version : I need an energy boost!

13-10-2011, 01:32 PM
I find that I get really tired between about 2-3pm. The lo's generally sleep then & I daren't sit down for fear of falling asleep myself :blush:

Give me some ideas for a quick energy boost!

I can't have caffeine, so a strong coffee is no good.

13-10-2011, 01:47 PM
I usually find myself getting tired about 1ish, luckily i only have ds on a day so i can have a sleep if i want so sorry i can't help but just wanted you to know you're not the only one.

13-10-2011, 01:49 PM
I get exactly the same at this time so I will allow myself a 10 minute reward for each small job I do - so if I put a load of washing in and fold some up I will then have a pop on facebook or pop the tv on for 10 minutes then get straight back up after the time to do another job. I also use this time to prepare the evening meal for the mindees and my children so that when we get back in from school and pre-school run it is all ready to go.;)

13-10-2011, 02:46 PM
a banana and a couple of dextrose energy tablets keep me going in the afternoons. :thumbsup:

13-10-2011, 03:17 PM
I usually have a food doctor pitta and some houmous.

13-10-2011, 04:51 PM
I'm the same, I would love a power nap at this time of day and often do if I'm not working. Avoid anything sweet with your lunch - no pudding, no biscuits, no chocolates, no sweet tea, its lethal because after the sugar rush you experience an energy low and its at this time of day that it gets you worst. Oh and drink lots of water.

13-10-2011, 05:08 PM
I find that I get really tired between about 2-3pm. The lo's generally sleep then & I daren't sit down for fear of falling asleep myself :blush:

Give me some ideas for a quick energy boost!

I can't have caffeine, so a strong coffee is no good.

Sometimes I use ginger and lemon tea and a fruit, I find that picks me up a bit.

Usually I have a super duper strong coffee though! :D


The Juggler
13-10-2011, 09:11 PM
i'd say a bit of fruit hon. a little fruit salad of some soft fruits,nice slow release sugar/carbs to keep you going for a bit. :thumbsup:

13-10-2011, 09:55 PM
Thanks for your ideas.

I think I need to start eating properly throughout the day as I'm a devil for going hours not eating anything & then picking at all the wrong things :blush:

I'm not a fruit lover at all, but am going to have to force myself :littleangel:

The Juggler
14-10-2011, 12:22 PM
Thanks for your ideas.

I think I need to start eating properly throughout the day as I'm a devil for going hours not eating anything & then picking at all the wrong things :blush:

I'm not a fruit lover at all, but am going to have to force myself :littleangel:

i'm not a big fruit eater either but find if I have something like satsumas or grapes on hand, I'll pick at those.:thumbsup:

14-10-2011, 09:13 PM
dried apricots & almonds? i'd second the grapes too.

i was starving the other day at 2ish and realised that i'd forgotten to eat breakfast, been at childrens centre so no cup of tea, and then been manic trying to get 3 LO to eat lunch ( got a babe who, if not watched like a hawk throws anything on the floor and screams 'cos she wants it! :rolleyes: i can barely take my eye off her currently, even to sort out other LOs) and down for a sleep and then rushed around getting jobs done before LOs woke and then chaos again! think i'm going to make myself a sandwich when i make DD/DS school lunch and put it in the fridge!
