View Full Version : Sharing info with other settings

11-10-2011, 12:09 PM
I have a mindee who has just started preschool part time and wondered if i need to be sharing info with them. I have had a mindee at preschool in the past and i got mum to sign a letter, giving me permission to share info with them, also we shared diaries. However, i won't be dropping off or collecting this particular child and will have no contact with the preschool? Also mum didn't want a daily diary for her child so i have nothing for the preschool to refer to and the preschool doesn't have diaries either. Do i still need to share info in these circumstances?

11-10-2011, 05:21 PM
Yes you need to approach them and work out if you can share learning journey booklets / child's progress.

It will be hard - I know how hard as I have 1 very similar - but hopefully you will be able to do something together which will benefit the child.

Make sure you send copies of your newsletter to the other setting so they know what the child gets up to with you... things like that will help you to make a link if you then ask for theirs.

hth :D

11-10-2011, 06:21 PM
Thanks for the reply Sarah. Do most other childminders do newsletters? I've never done them.
I don't mind sharing learning journeys but am a little reluctant to leave it at the setting. I know that in theory it's a good idea for different settings to share learning journeys but it doesn't seem very practical when i will be having no contact with them. Is anyone else in a similar situation?