View Full Version : Cloth nappies - anyone offer them?

09-10-2011, 08:02 PM
I use cloth nappies for my kids and wanted to provide a service so to speak, offering use of my cloth nappies for a little extra pay.
Anyone do this?

09-10-2011, 10:10 PM
I don't because with my own 2 LO's in cloth my washing machine can't work any faster! But I think its a great idea!

I have considered doing it in the future when mine are done with them! The only negative thoughts I've come across are they would all need changing on pick up back to disposables, and they might not fit under there clothes (bigger bums & all)!


10-10-2011, 05:20 AM
Yes I offer a cloth nappy service FREE I have the nappies and offer to wash and dry all nappies used in my setting, I also offer parents the opportunity to send child in own cloth nappy.


Take up is poor - I have one part time child using my cloth nappy service and no one using their own cloth nappies. (out of 6 children in nappies over the week)

I have to say I am very disappointed in the take up

Penny :)

10-10-2011, 06:23 AM
Yes, I offer a free cloth nappy service too, and every single one of the parents who have babies in nappies has taken it up. I don't charge because I want to do it for my own reasons (environmental not to mention smelly bins etc).

I ask parents to send in one disposable a day to send them home in for part timers and for full timers i buy a pack of eco disposables to send them home in. I won't send them home in cloth because parents don't want to wash them and I don't want 2 day old dirty nappies back, lol (also the cloth nappies I buy work out to £17 each so I don't want to lose them!)

Note to Penny: You could always promote it by saying that you are happy to provide free cloth nappies but if parents prefer to use disposables thats fine, you'll bag them up and send them home with the child each day...

10-10-2011, 06:42 AM
Yes, I offer a free cloth nappy service too, and every single one of the parents who have babies in nappies has taken it up. I don't charge because I want to do it for my own reasons (environmental not to mention smelly bins etc).

I ask parents to send in one disposable a day to send them home in for part timers and for full timers i buy a pack of eco disposables to send them home in. I won't send them home in cloth because parents don't want to wash them and I don't want 2 day old dirty nappies back, lol (also the cloth nappies I buy work out to £17 each so I don't want to lose them!)

Note to Penny: You could always promote it by saying that you are happy to provide free cloth nappies but if parents prefer to use disposables thats fine, you'll bag them up and send them home with the child each day...

Which nappies do you use? I only use WAHM nappies (& mostly WAHM clothes)!

I always send home sposies home with mindees in there bags:laughing:

10-10-2011, 08:19 AM
Onceinabluemoon I was thinking of doing the same for those in disposBkes, to ask the pagers to send one in for pick up or use eco disposable send them home in.
Might be interesting for some, I cMe across this listing on eBay:


They cost less than 3£ each!

10-10-2011, 09:31 AM
I offer it as my daughter is in cloth and has hundreds of nappies - we do 2-3 washes a week of nappies.

But I don't charge extra, but then I don't charge for meals or toddler groups either.

My parent doesn't take me up on the offer but I do use my cloth wipes with the child.

10-10-2011, 11:08 AM
Yes, I offer a free cloth nappy service too, and every single one of the parents who have babies in nappies has taken it up. I don't charge because I want to do it for my own reasons (environmental not to mention smelly bins etc).

I ask parents to send in one disposable a day to send them home in for part timers and for full timers i buy a pack of eco disposables to send them home in. I won't send them home in cloth because parents don't want to wash them and I don't want 2 day old dirty nappies back, lol (also the cloth nappies I buy work out to £17 each so I don't want to lose them!)

Note to Penny: You could always promote it by saying that you are happy to provide free cloth nappies but if parents prefer to use disposables thats fine, you'll bag them up and send them home with the child each day...

Yes I am considering implementing this - is already in policy as an option if disposables become an issue. I really can't understand why the parents don't use the service - as I wash and dry them and the cost savings to parent - especially the full time twins would be considerable.

Penny :)