View Full Version : Observations

09-10-2011, 03:09 PM
Hiya all!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Can I just check with observations, I used to do alot of 'post-it' observations which I could then use for the next weeks planning. So it may be that I would write down that T was really enjoying using the ICT toys and then the next week I would put in 'interests' T really enjoys ICT toys as per 'post-it' blah blah blah...if that makes sense, just almost to have proof that I was planning around his current interest. However, I could of gone mad with them and they were just observations that didn't really link to EYFS sometimes they were more for planning on his interests....what I would prefer to do is this....

On his weekly planning just put down what I have observed and parents comments about current interests and put what I have for indoor and outdoor provision. Then I would just like to arrange observations to do with the 6 area's of learning planned and unplanned. Is that ok? I think I was doing so much more than I needed to but just worried in case when I said 'T really loves playing with farm animals' and then put out those resources for the week they would be like, "where are the obs to show he was interested in those" Am I making sense??

Are you observations purely on 'WOW' moments and planned ones to make sure they are hitting the EYFS or do you do observations to show what they are actually liking....trains, shopping, cars etc...? I figure as long as I have a wide variety of resources out and is enjoying himself I don't really need to be doing observations on what he is liking playing with more about what he is getting out of it re: EYFS....

Thanks for your help :) xx

09-10-2011, 03:25 PM
I think first you need to have your continuous provision (toys, games, activities etc) out to meet the child's needs.

CP is also about your routines - outings, meals, sleep or rest time etc.

You can say how it meets the child's needs because you know the child well... sand because he loves sand play, trucks because he is into trucks in a big way etc.

Then your observations show specific things the child has said or done which might be linked to CP but might not.

Observation - John spent a long time digging in the flowerbed and putting soil in the dumper truck.

What this tells you about the child - you already know he likes trucks... but you didn't know he was interested in digging

From your observations you then plan next steps activities...

Next steps - John might be interested in planting some flowers... or digging in sand to find buried treasure... or worm spotting games etc.

I think that's what you are saying isn't it? :D

09-10-2011, 03:43 PM
That is right Sarah thanks :) I have CP out for his interests and because he is only 20 mths old he is into everything...if mum/dad says he has enjoyed something over the weekend I will put that comment down and cater for that new found interest if I haven't done beforehand....

And with the obs, your right...I already know he loves cars so I don't need to make an observation on that because cars are already out....but if he goes over to the playdoh and starts rolling the wheels in it then I would make an observation of that? And then say... maybe T would like to play with paints and rolling wheels in etc... as a next step? Thats great...think I know my way forward now :) thanks as always Sarah - you are a star! :) xx

09-10-2011, 03:50 PM
Yes the car, wheels and playdough example is exactly what I would do.

You can't plan in advance for moments like that ... you follow them up as and when they happen and maybe the next day.

Sorted :D