View Full Version : Advice please - First parent visit

Please help
29-09-2011, 07:48 PM
Hi Everyone
I have had my first parents enquiry and she is coming to visit on saturday morning.
Im terrified :panic:
The child is 6yrs old and the hours would be to take her to school and to have her afterschool untill 6pm. She also has a big brother who is 11 and the mother would like me to look after him over the holidays (bit concerned as have not thought about older children and not sure I could entertain them fully)
My husband collects our daughter (5) from school everyday so he would always be here when the girl would be, so.. should he be here on Saturday when she comes so she can see that he is nice ect and should my children be here (my 5yr old does get excited and may play up).
I am very scared as I have been advertising like crazy I finish my job in 2 weeks so I need to have some income and I cant wait to get started.
Any advice would be greatly recieved.

29-09-2011, 08:38 PM
Oh bless you - you will be fine! Just try and relax and be yourself. :)

I'd have all your paperwork ready for mum to look through and then you are free to talk to the children - most parents will want to see how you get on with their children.

As the family are visiting at the weekend they may expect to meet your family so if your dh and dd are at home (wouldn't give up any activities just to be there though) then it would be good to introduce them - will dd and mindee be at the same school?

Good luck - let us know how you get on

Miffy xx

Please help
29-09-2011, 09:33 PM
Thanks :)

I always get myself worked up haha.

No they go to different schools but will be together before and after school if all goes to plan :)

I no the weather is going to be nice so that means they can play in the garden, that always helps my 2 (unless they are arguing over who plays on what, which is what im dredding :eek: )


30-09-2011, 04:37 AM
I am sure everything will be fine

If my DH happens to be around - then I introduce him.

My children are now all grown up but when they were little they would be around. Just as some reassurance- on one visit DD3 who was about 3 at the time decided to play up - she jumped all over the sofa - when asked not to do it - she continued - when I decide to ignore her she stripped naked and then went back to jumping on the sofa. So I decided then would be a good time to show patrent around the house and the playroom - where DD3 pushed (on purpose) a pile of puzzles onto the floor.

I was sure I never hear from that parent again!

But I did and I ended up having child full time - followed by her brother and her 3 cousins!

When I knew parent well I did ask why she chose me as her childminder - the answer

She said she knew that whatever her child did I would remain calm and her child would feel secure. She also liked the fact that DD3 was confident when strangers were in the house.

Good thing she could not tell how het up I was inside - or hear the words being uttered in my head (on the lines of wait till this parent goes, what will DD do next, should I use my I'm cross voice and send her toher room and worse!)

Penny :)

30-09-2011, 04:50 AM
Thanks :)

I always get myself worked up haha.

No they go to different schools but will be together before and after school if all goes to plan :)

I no the weather is going to be nice so that means they can play in the garden, that always helps my 2 (unless they are arguing over who plays on what, which is what im dredding :eek: )


That's kids for you though they like to argue don't they ha ha

It sounds like you have it all under control

Good luck , keep us posted

Angel xx

30-09-2011, 04:12 PM
I feel your pain! Lol. My first parent interview was horrible, I was so nervous!! But like the others said, make sure u have all your paperwork to hand (policies etc) and be yourself. Hopefully she will have a cup of tea! I always find that an ice breaker :)

My first interview, I forgot EVERYTHING I needed to tell them! It was just horrible

30-09-2011, 04:39 PM
8 years in and I still get nervous and forget what I'm supposed to be telling them! Just relax and be yourself.

Please help
02-10-2011, 05:56 PM
Hi Everyone
Thanks for all your advice :)
The visit was very strange she turned up in a rush, didnt want to look around and didnt give me many details about the children.
SHe left saying she would def like them to come and would call me today which she hasnt so I dont really have a clue whats going on.
Thanks for all the advice and hopefully the next one will be a bit more lrelaxed and informative :) x