View Full Version : help!!

ayesha athar
27-09-2011, 12:57 PM
Hi everyone I am a bit confused :( A mindee is going to start this friday just for 1 half day a week after school.almost 4 years and 9 months.How would I plan her learning development and do I need to do observation and assessment if yes how should I do it? as she is going to be with me for just 3 hours a week.How could I manage to do learning journal? I have absolutely no idea:panic: .any advice please....Thanks in advace.

27-09-2011, 05:26 PM
I would write up the child's routine and how it meets the Eyfs.

Then when you involve the child in planned and free play activities you can observe, assess and plan for next steps.

The LJ will only be short but that's fine because the child isn't with you very often.

Hth :D

ayesha athar
28-09-2011, 09:13 AM
Thanks Sarah ,So I still need to ask school about her progress like ofsted want us to work in partnership with other settings how can I do it as it will not be important for schools to bother about minor issue:(any advice please

28-09-2011, 12:02 PM
I would ask school if you can have a copy of any newsletters or if they can let you know what themes they have coming up so you can support the child's learning at school. It doesn't need to be too formal just ask them if they would suggest doing anything in particular to support the child. Then as Sarah says just take photos of them involved in any activities and either build a short learning journey or send photos or things they have made to school. Some schools are brilliant and love children to bring things to school that they have done at home / other settings, others aren't so keen so prob depends on the school how much you can actually share.