View Full Version : Fibromyalgia, what it feels like

23-09-2011, 10:01 AM
After years of suffering with constant pain and weeks of prodding and poking, blood tests and scans to rule out other illnesses, yesterday my docotor confirmed her suspisions that I am suffering from Fibromyalgia. :(

I cried my eyes out when it was finally confirmed, not because I knew this is a life long chronic illness but because I could finally put a name to the reason why I suffer like I do, and with the help and medication I should be able to learn to pace myself in order that I can learn to manage the pain on a daily basis.

Here is a link to a video on what it like to live with Fibromyalgia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0ztg6jEJ64

23-09-2011, 11:04 AM
Wow that is a powerful video and l can't imagine being in that amount of pain and discomfort all the time. I hope and pray they find the right medication for you and that as you say you "learn to pace yourself" in order to get through each and every day in as little discomfort as possible.
Please stay well and don't let it get you down, easy for me to say, don't soldier on alone let others help.
:group hug: :group hug: