View Full Version : Do u charge when the mindee at nursery all day?

21-09-2011, 08:36 AM
Help please, parents will come today.
She only need Monday n Tuesday. Monday she only go to nursery half day. So I do charge retainer fee when she at nursery as I can't fill the space, and full when she back.
Tuesday she full time at nursery, I pick her up and have her until around 5. do you charge or not? As I more likely can't fill the space?
Please help me...

Thank you

21-09-2011, 10:30 AM
with a half day at nursery i reckon you can get away with charging but I don't think a parent will be happy to pay for a full day at yours when the child is not there.

i know exactly where you are coming from and must admit that i once took on a child who attended nursery during school hours but I was desparate and it was only for 3 months, till child became a rising 4 as started fulltime school.

21-09-2011, 10:38 AM
For all day at nursery l would charge from when l leave home to collect child not when nursery ends.

The Juggler
21-09-2011, 12:39 PM
i probably wouldn't take it on as doing before/after school for a nursery child means you are totally blocking an under 5 space. Explain that to a parent. Maybe they can pay a half fee for those hours???

21-09-2011, 03:21 PM
I have two children attending the same preschool,onehalf day and one 9-3.15. I charged first childs parents full fee as per my terms and the second, after negotiaions, pays half fee as I pointed out, it is more work than an after school place due to EYFS and age of child (2.5). Once parents realised this they were OK about paying :)

21-09-2011, 04:46 PM
I wouldn't take this on unless I was desperate for the work. I'd wait and see if something better comes up

Miffy xx

Chatterbox Childcare
21-09-2011, 05:27 PM
If I was having a child after nursery finishing at 11-12pm I would charge for the morning too

If it was just school hours I would charge a higher rate of before and after school BUT if the parent wanted all day in the holidays I would charge full fee all year