View Full Version : My Baby has gone!

18-09-2011, 06:56 PM
Well we have delivered my dd to Uni today. Three hours drive away up in Linclon. I'm so proud she got into Uni, she worked so hard.

Even though she could be stuborn I shall miss having her around everyday.

Who is going to help me with my Diploma Maths now?

Who am I going to nag to bring her washing down?

I shall miss having all her friends turn up, we had 8 of them here on Friday night eating Fish and Chips!

Oh well, roll on half term when I have a week off and we are going up for a visit.

18-09-2011, 07:42 PM
I'm sure you're going to miss her terribly but your daughter is going to have a great time at uni.
Don't worry about her washing, she'll bring it home with her! My sister still does sometimes and she's married! Hx

18-09-2011, 07:46 PM
One of my friends is empty nesting today and really struggling ... she intends to take her angst out on her garden!

Hugs x

The Juggler
18-09-2011, 07:49 PM
aww big hugs hon. i remember a friend of mine going though this 3 years back. her son has just graduated this year and her dd is in her last year. she's gone from sad mummy to extremely proud mummy. you will too :)

Carol M
18-09-2011, 07:54 PM
Hey, but enjoy the peace whilst you can :thumbsup:
Carol xx

18-09-2011, 08:07 PM
I know how you are feeling. We took our middle child off to Uni at LIPA in Liverpool yesterday.
I am so going to miss him and his drumming!! But my ears won't.

All the friends around and those endless lifts here and there that I used to moan about.

My eldest returned after graduation in July, so one in one out. She used to come home every weekend but this time round I have been informed my little darling is not returning untill Christmas.

I feel a christmas shopping trip in Liverpool coming on:laughing: :laughing:

18-09-2011, 08:25 PM
I'm sure she'll soon be back, complete with dirty washing, eating you out of house and home! :D

Miffy xx

18-09-2011, 09:19 PM
I am sure she will love Uni, we are about 3 hrs away from my dd. you will probably notice a huge difference in how grown up she is when she next comes home, My dd started at Nottingham last year, I missed her so much

She goes back next week and although i will miss her I am also looking forward to being able to see her bedroom floor and not having her roll in from a night out a 6am in the morning.
She has grown up into a very independent young women who doesn't seem to need her mum anymore:( but she does know i will always be there for her when needed.

18-09-2011, 09:37 PM
My dd has just graduated from Hull earlier this year. It doesn't seem that long since she started, the time's just flown by. Can confirm the washing still keeps coming back -she said she likes me do it because it smells like home!

18-09-2011, 10:04 PM
I remember it well when my eldest went off to uni.

It was awful :(

I was really brave in front of him but next time we saw him my youngest said 'Mum cried in Tesco's car park !'
( thanks son :rolleyes: )

It does get a little easier.

I have to confess I'm never happier when I have all my brood under my roof even if they are grown up now.

19-09-2011, 04:19 AM
Thinking of you Rickysmiths - been there got the T.Shirt. Twice for uni leaving and 4 times for leaving home.

Good news is - you hardly get used to the idea that they are not there and they are back!

I rembember well being so happy when they came home - only to then within 1 day of their returning remember all the habits they have that had got used to not having to deal with!

Penny :)

19-09-2011, 06:59 AM
Thanks for all your lovely messages. Yes Twinkles I was the mum in tears. I'm streaming now as I type. Such a soppy date aren't I! Its not as if she has never been away. She has bee going on two week Scout Camps every summer for the last 7yrs and Jamboree this summer so I'm well used to her being away.

I think it is remembering when I went away to college, I had been used to going away on my own like her, I was a Guide. I still balled my eyes out every night for a week I hope she doesn't do that. My mum and Dad never phoned me, I had to phone home and it was my Grandma who was the only one who wrote to me. I had grown up in a small village and she used to send me the weekly newspaper and tell me all the latest gossip!! Thank goodness, I think she kept me going through my first year and a half of the 4 years by which time I had made some life long friends. My Mum and Dad never helped me find flats or move my stuff apart from take me up to Salford on day one. My Dad never saw any of the palces I lived in the 4 years I was away, my mum came and stayed for a few days once.

I know she will be missing lovely close friends from school at least they have Facebook etc to stay in touch. I had snail mail and expensive money in the slot telephones.

It also the realisation that this is her first move away from home out into the big wide world and even when she comes home it will never be quite the same.

Still we will see her in a few weeks at half term and Granny and I are going to stay overnoight the first weekend in Dec to go to the Christmas Market in Lincoln :thumbsup:

I told dd to work steadily at her studies and not get behind, so I guess I must set an example and do the same and really get stuck into my Level 3 :thumbsup:

Thanks everyone.

19-09-2011, 07:26 AM
Well we have delivered my dd to Uni today. Three hours drive away up in Linclon. I'm so proud she got into Uni, she worked so hard.

Even though she could be stuborn I shall miss having her around everyday.

Who is going to help me with my Diploma Maths now?

Who am I going to nag to bring her washing down?

I shall miss having all her friends turn up, we had 8 of them here on Friday night eating Fish and Chips!

Oh well, roll on half term when I have a week off and we are going up for a visit.

Took my youngest to Lincoln yesterday too!!! We got there about 8.30 in the morning (luckily we're only 1 1/2 hours away). Chris' room on the top floor - a lot of stairs to climb with all his stuff, got home and realised we forgot his pillows - nearly went back!! :laughing:

I know how you feel, I slept about 3 hours this weekend, already missing him and worrying so much.... roll on half term :thumbsup:

Chimps Childminding
19-09-2011, 07:27 AM
We took DS1 back to Uni yesterday, he is only about an hour and a half away so not so bad. He is just startin his 3rd year, and I still cried as I left, you would have thought I would be used to it by now!! I miss him when he is away, but it is lovely without the mess and the running around after him :D (he is the only one of my sons who doesn't drive and has to be taken backwards and forwards to work every day when he is here)!

DS3 is going to Australia for 6 months in October, not looking forward to that one :panic:

19-09-2011, 07:42 AM
Took my youngest to Lincoln yesterday too!!! We got there about 8.30 in the morning (luckily we're only 1 1/2 hours away). Chris' room on the top floor - a lot of stairs to climb with all his stuff, got home and realised we forgot his pillows - nearly went back!! :laughing:

I know how you feel, I slept about 3 hours this weekend, already missing him and worrying so much.... roll on half term :thumbsup:

Spooky! We didn't leave home until 9am! Got there at midday, dh and I left at 3.30 and were home just after 6.30 having had a coffee stop on the way its 154 miles for us. Ds had made a lovely casserole for are tea when we got home. He had also done a load of washing bless him.

What is your youngest studying? Mine is doing Forensic Science. She is in accomodation at Brayford Keys, over Nandos! On the second floor and they have a lift so not too bad. She has a view over the harbour from her bedroom and a lovey veiw of the Cathederal from their kitchen window so she has been lucky. It was were she wanted to be after we looked in the summer. We heard yesterday that there is such a shorage of accomodation that they have got PortaKabins and some are even in hotels so we feel double lucky.

19-09-2011, 08:16 AM
Well we have delivered my dd to Uni today. Three hours drive away up in Linclon. I'm so proud she got into Uni, she worked so hard.

Even though she could be stuborn I shall miss having her around everyday.

Who is going to help me with my Diploma Maths now? No good asking me as I need a calculator to add 2 + 2 :ROFL1:

Who am I going to nag to bring her washing down? Just think there will be no washing to nag for now.

I shall miss having all her friends turn up, we had 8 of them here on Friday night eating Fish and Chips!

Oh well, roll on half term when I have a week off and we are going up for a visit.

I have been through this three times and have now got used to just me and hubby in the house oh and our pet Yorkie who takes up all our time with love and cwtches.

Things will settle down and you can look forward to all those half terms :thumbsup:

19-09-2011, 08:19 AM
Wow, forensic science. Good luck to your Dd and to all those off to further education. X

19-09-2011, 10:08 AM
Spooky! We didn't leave home until 9am! Got there at midday, dh and I left at 3.30 and were home just after 6.30 having had a coffee stop on the way its 154 miles for us. Ds had made a lovely casserole for are tea when we got home. He had also done a load of washing bless him.

What is your youngest studying? Mine is doing Forensic Science. She is in accomodation at Brayford Keys, over Nandos! On the second floor and they have a lift so not too bad. She has a view over the harbour from her bedroom and a lovey veiw of the Cathederal from their kitchen window so she has been lucky. It was were she wanted to be after we looked in the summer. We heard yesterday that there is such a shorage of accomodation that they have got PortaKabins and some are even in hotels so we feel double lucky.

Wow Forensics that's amazing! Chris is following in his brother's footsteps and taking Media - he's in one of the blocks just off Campus Way so I guess he's lucky not to have to stay in a Hotel, that would be awfull! I think we talked about our 2 going to Lincoln on the Meet Up in London but it seemed ages away at the time.... We went for the day a couple of weeks ago and parked up at The Cathederal and walked down Steep Hill. It's lovely looking at the quaint book shops and so on but hard work walking back up!:eek:

19-09-2011, 12:26 PM
I know. They have a Senes of Crimes house a couple of miles from Campus and she has to get one of theose all in one suits!!

Haven't walked the hill yet, we went up and down on the bus on the particpants day they had back in July.

Lincoln is supposed to be very good for Media. Isn't one of the people there and ex Pixar guy?

19-09-2011, 05:34 PM
That empty feeling definately lessens everytime they come home and go back. Infact when J went back in August because he now has a job in Chichester as well, I put the flags out! :laughing: He had been home for 2 months with nothing to do except get under my feet and wind his sisters up :rolleyes:
We have even got to the point where we have to ring him about twice a week to make sure he is still alive because he forgets who we are in between (until he wants money of course :rolleyes: ). The first 2-3 weeks are the worst, then you get used to the fact that they are not there :D

19-09-2011, 08:28 PM
Hope your children settle well into Uni life in Lincoln.

I live outside of Lincoln and its a beautiful place to live.

We saw the portacabins on the tv and they look dreadful - you are lucky they didnt end up with one of those! Its because everyone wants to come here!!

Hope you are coping well - I have 8 years before I have to deal with this - and know I'll be blubbing like a baby!!

Rachel x